Fire black supremacist and racist Sonny Hostin

Eric Ericson

    Sunny Hostin is a repulsive black supremacist who is a co-host of The View and she is facing harsh criticism and calls for her axing on the program Sunny Huston continually interrupted and disrespected a co-host in addition to numerous other actions that this crazed woman and racist has continued to promote on ABC Disney and their program called The View. This is a memo to ABC Disney that they should fire this woman as she lost her marbles the other day with a co-host. The insanity of Sunny Hudson continues and she is further

regressing and declining and mentally mental ability and this was evident as the disrespect and talk over co-host Alyssa Griffen and Sonny's actions against the co-host is further evidence that we have been saying on this blog that this woman is losing her Marbles and she is a nut. Sunny Huston in addition to being a nutcase is also a repulsive crazed Marxist lunatic racist

and this woman has made a fortune with her crazed racial identity politics and as a privileged member of the lawyer industrial complex. Sunny Huston is a disgusting soul and there are calls of the fans of the show to boycott The View unless this maniac woman is axed from the program. The producers of the view and ABC Disney need to do what is right and we are calling for more spread of this idea and calling for the firing of this black supremacist Sunny Houston does nothing but race obsessed topics discussions. She has done more to spread and cause racial division then perhaps anyone in the media fascism that we see today. This

maniac Sunny Hudson did not allow her co-host to say a word because her narcissism is incredible and she thinks her opinions matter more and in Sunny Hudson's world people with different opinions should not even get a second of airtime. This woman should be fired pronto for her actions the other day and ABC Disney needs to do what is right and fire this nasty witch. Sunny Huston is pushing her luck though and her time is coming as I can't see ABC and this corporate media network continuing the negativity that is Sunny Huston and what she is bringing to the network. Right Wingers and conservatives  can't stop talking about her and they have a point this woman is completely insane and just about every topic she talks about and she should not be on a major network and  Sunny Huston showed what a libtard she is.The arrogant View host clashed with her co-host and completely over talked her and

disregarded her acting like she was nothing and did not even let her get a chance to get a word in. Many were poutraged as Sonny rambled on for three or four minutes with her usual nonsensical garbage that has been a trademark of this program The View. Sunny Huston and Whoopi Goldberg both of the view are extreme blank supremacists and I reckon the only reason they are on the program is ABC Disney is placating to the Views and ideology of the racism of too many black fat American women in this country who hate this country and hate white people I can't see any other reason why these two women do what they do on The View and spew their racial nonsense and garbage against white people except to play to the crowd in urban Black America who agrees with these two garbage women. Sunny

Hudson is the epitome of evil pompous elitism and classism and why ABC continues to employee this mad woman on the program is beyond any comprehension of rational thought. Hopefully this boycott take steam and Sonny Huston eventually is taken off the air in and along with Whoopi Goldberg and the third knucklehead Joyless Behar who also should be fired as well. As Ms Griffen stated these nut jobs are tarnishing the legacy of Barbara Walters and her forming this programming with their radical childlike behavior and racism. 

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