Former economic warlord corrupt CEO Elizabeth Holmes goes to prison.. looks forward to the sex

 Diego Franco

   Former failed Therono chief executive officer Elizabeth Holmes will be entering a Texas Federal Prison Tuesday where she will spend the next 11 years the wicked witch of Texas oversaw a blood testing hoax company that lied to its customers and fellow vendors as it was a complete fraud like much of big Tech and big it Coastal Elite economy Elizabeth Holmes will be going to Federal women's prison in Bryan Texas where she will have minimum security facilities and both fellow prisoners and guards are looking

forward to this tall texting 39-year-old big ass woman there will be some new Meats coming to this prison and the one time big Tech visionary who was compared to apple co-founder Steve Jobs. The corrupt Democrat Holmes has fallen a long way perhaps she can find some new weight in the future when she's released to include Tech in the federal and state penitentiary system and she might be able to bring out about something I would suggest a virtual reality for prisoners and this is the best place to start this often long predicted and important tech product that has yet to come out if anyone needs augmented reality it is the prison system with her doll tedious

everyday meager existence Elizabeth home so might be a little busy as she is actually looking forward to the sex that show up here through various contraption in the prison.  Elizabeth Homes has been foid guilty  of numerous felony Council private response in January of 2022 and was free on bail until Tuesday living room her children's father the class of the runners as a fake company in fraud is perhaps the most increases business fraud in the history of mankind and perhaps Elizabeth Holmes with write a book about her experience and make up the money well she was building up the Rondo Elizabeth Holmes had a good  relationship with Ramesh  "Sonny"  Balwani as Queen Elizabeth gave this old Indian billionaire some good anal sex often and hard and tight and no wonder this old nasty Indian has a sonny attitude and getting this dicked back .

Rich globalists enable Elizabeth also have some damn good sex with. He is not to be mistaken with current presidential candidate and rock star Vivek Ramawami together homes in Balwami promised Therronos would revolutionize Healthcare with technology that could quickly scan for diseases and all other problems with a prick of a finger up up one's ass the hype surrounding this breakthrough help this woman raise 1 billion which she pocketed 900 million in her big ass jeans and these enthralled investors were scammed out of their scammed money eventually serious flaws and the lies of Toronto's technology were exposed in a series of explosive media articles at the Times and Post  and the company Theronos and like much of our Healthcare System has been declared at least Elizabeth Holmes will have a lot of heterosexual and bisexual sex in prison as this woman is a sex addict from hell in Texas. Elizabeth Holmes  met " sonny when she was 18 and the business man from bejing was in his forties and one ca see that was essentially  funding and her legs, her body,  her fraud as some massive prostitution as sex sells and for our sources Elizabeth Holmes will do anything for money and sonny found this and this is exactly why she got the international funding for their fake company. 

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