Fucking David Pakant continues his click baiting propaganda and attacks against both Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis

 Troy York

The miserable trans nationalist Israeli-Argentine-Venezuelan troll known as David Patton continues his lies misinformation, disinformation listful information, malformation,  bad information,  geek information ,dumb information shit information, and on YouTube the propaganda based out of downtown Boston continues his attack against middle America, MAGA, and now Florida. David Packing is a extremist foreign-born mercenary for hire microphone jackass who has now done

45,000 videos of Donald Trump since October of 2015 now David pack has ants in his pants and has a ant dick according to hos gay lovers and he is called as David Peckerwood is doing videos on Ron De Santis and the Donald  and the extreme partisan from this Marxist in his video selection and topic is further evidence that Mr Packant is most likely a Democrat Party operative David

Potter can't stop lying about Donald Trump and he continues to attack Ron DeSantis and he seems to be unable to fixate and which one he wants to bash more. Whatever the force most likely this man is a paid Democrat Party and Lincoln project activist and he has decided to basically do every other video of attack and on Ron DeSantis and on David and on Donald Trump. David Pakant should be in Argentina on its flat currency but somehow in this Tech area this fool is in America and he is propagandizing in an unfathomable rage and rent through the social media outlet of YouTube David pack ant does want many left-wing lunatics on the internet do in order to boost their numbers they purchase Bots.  I would be willing to bet that most of David Pakants nearly 2 million subscribers are click content farmers in China such as our own Chin Gag Undercover agent in China who is reporting on the numerous ways one goes about increasing their clout through use of Chinese content farms in from America and Western money David Pakant has no integrity nor journalist ability and all this man is is a paid hack and activist for the Democrat Party.  Each and every video he presents is a demonstration of this there is perhaps no more desperate clickbait political garbage man that David Pakant and without a doubts this idiot is among our favorite to bash on this blog and we can't escape any opportunity to do so. Like most liberal Progressive Democrats David Packman has absolutely not an ounce of humor and he is a bitter deranged young man who needs professional help for his mind and his soul

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