Harrison Ford Indiana Jones hoes off on his critics who say he is too fucking old and should really consider retirement

  Leroy Yates

    Indian Jones will once again be out with yet another movie with geriatric long time skuzzy actor who refuses to retire known as Harrison Ford. The refusal of Harrison Ford to pass up these Indian Jones movies and let younger new actors take over this role is shocking and a disgusting aspect of this old mans personality. Harrison Ford is angered at his critics and those angered at this old mans insistence to continue to portray professor Indiana Jones a failed and famed shell of a archaeologist professor who travels to the Middle East looking

for important artifacts while battling Nazis. Harrison came out in a Variety Magazine interview and sad he knows who the fuck he is and he will continue to act and be involved with Indian Jones movies until the day he drops and whether the haters like it or not this is something they are going to have to accept Well it seems many reviews are into accepting this and from early reviews the latest Indian Jones garbage is both woke and a fucking joke getting some of the worse reviews seen in movie history. Indian Jones Harrison Ford does not want to give up the limelight and has he appeared at Cannes walking on the Red Carpet this is exactly why the old silly bastard refuses to retire despite all evidence he cannot act nor has the popularity anymore. Harrison looks tired and he is old and he should really

consider retirement . Harrison should not still be performing as Indiana Jones and he looked so bad in this latest movie that had to retouch and make many of the scene s with a younger AI created imagery of Indiana Jones from the first movies. There should of been as many Indians Jacks as James Bond characters by now and I reckon we has movie fans have been denied so many other favorite actors playing this great character because of Harry's selfishness and narcissism greed. They had to de-age him though digital technology and film because Harrison does not want to give up this role to another actor in his lifetime as the selfish fucker that he is and he is a old stubborn fuck who thinks he is still relevant as an actor in this day of age. Harrison Ford has lived a life of luxury and privileged milking this character Indiana for along time as a cash cow as without that and Star Wars he basically is a failed actor would not have been nearly as big as he was in tinsel town but its its ...over. Someone should tell Mr Ford this and yet him known what he is in  2023. its not 1982 anymore. 

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