Man bun wearing Papa Swolio is a fucking weirdo fool who is talking about running for president of the United States in 2024

     Jason Fool

   The Generation X Y Z Millennial or whatever are they most annoying group imaginable. These idiots are complete narcissist for the most part and they are all over social media promoting themselves and thinking they are something special when in fact they are not. One of these individuals is is Tick Toker weirdo fool  with a man bun who goes by the name of Papa Swolia and he makes Swalio lame Tik Tok videos of him bullying  people to do what he wants. Paw Patrol seems to be a total authoritarian and none of his videos are entertaining bright or humorous Papa Swalio  just does he's weird stupid videos where he is telling you what to do and do it his way. Swalio is a weirdo who talks to the camera and admonishes the person on the other end that he doesn't see and says something about them and the neurotic videos that Papas Wally put out in his weird pro gym fitness obsession just demonstrate his mental instability and psychosis.  Papa Swalio is this foolish Viking looking jackass who makes really lame ass videos and somehow he seems to be connected with big Tech as we are supposed to believe that this silly Jackass has 5.2 million followers on Tick Tok and who knows how many more on Instagram and the other stupid sites Papa has with other fake subscribers and followers . This beardo weirdo  is a lunatic and is typical of what this country is producing of this generation and he would be a perfect presidential candidate and indeed

he is putting out videos hinting that he is going to run for president very soon. Papa Swalio  and his Generation Z  fools who like many males of this generation are obsessed with gyms and they like going to the gym working on their muscles and smelling other people's body odor excites him so much. The gym obsession of this foolish generation it's about five times a previous generations and this is why you see all these Ponzi scheme shit gyms everywhere and some of these I swear probably have less than 20 members the way this country is going I would not be surprised if a lunatic like Papa Swolio actually does get elected president but 

maker no mistake there are not 5 million people following this fool. This guy likely has money and always has had money through his family and he has purchasing followers in order to give himself more clout. Papa Swalio is a dub fool and needs a shave and he is a disgusting looking human regardless of how much he works out and he looks like he could fit right in the Viking era of rapist and raiders the 9th century and this is the look that he tries to portray in his lame

videos. This viking looking jackass is the epitome of toxic male personality and much like the fool Liver King I bet it is only a matter of time that Papa Swolio will come out and be exposed as a heavy steroid and juice man.  Papa is so big because in most likely this goof fuck  "influencer" is so jacked up and juiced up on apple jacks as he actually got his muscles and size form over eats of meats and work out but most likely Swolio is only big because he had Covid -like vaccines injected into hos blood stream to aid in his muscle development.  In no way did this Scandinavian hillbilly fool  get jacked without injections. Papa Swalio is going to run for president in 2032 and by then this country will totally be in the toilet with scumbags like him all over not working and being productive for the economy. Instead these fools just working on their calorie intake and lifting weights and then taking selfies in a mirror. This fool Swalio represents all that is wrong with his generation and he is the epitome of selfie generation

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