Mancow Muller happy at least he is way above low class and scumbag JB Gunner ad his one thoudsand subscrbers

   Arnold Buckley

    Coming across one of the worse and vloggers followed and fake donation podcast we ran across some travesty six hour podcast and abrogation called the JB Gunner show. Now upon watching this program and podcast this man makes mention of a dozen donation names every ten minutes and the about people donating to some podcast that only has one K subscribers is amazing and likely full of money gram shit. I hope these parts and there are no real people donating to the scumbag JB Gunner because if people are donating giving this guy money all they're doing is feeding his cigarette smoking habits and helps this cock increase the number of packs he smokes a day.

JB Gunner snort,smoked grunted, sneezed, coughed and cackled throughout his program and how this man is a broadcaster and podcaster of major expense and pricey production wit all the bells and whistles and so called viewers in live time chatting and making comments to his award losing gruff program that has one thousand subscribers. JB Gunner is perhaps the lowest class of podcast and individual I have er

seen and heard and a good torture concept would be to force people to sit down and watch the entire  podcast of this man grunting an breathing heavy blaming his allergies for the gurgle sounds instead of the fact that this weirdo in 2023 is still chain smoking despite all of the warnings and health hazards associated

and well established right now that this sill jackass JB Gunner apparently A)  Doesn't care about   B) Doesn't give a shit about as a wanker personality  C )  more likely is such a stubborn fuck he knows and is self sacrificing himself to chain smoke n hos belief it makes him look" cool' instead of like a fucking idiot. Mancow Muller is at ten

thousand subscriber base which is way more that what this JB Gunner has but for someone with the famous name and brand of Mancow Muller a measly ten grand K is low and he trails many people. Mancow Muller discovered JB Gunner and called him one of the stupidest shits he has ever heard and the Cow is glad at least he is above him in popularity and subscribers . Mancow continues to hit it as he had failed former professional wrestler turned successful stand up comedian and FOX news annalist in Tyruse and both o them battled the political left and bashed Joe Biden and his horrible hand picked incompetence members of his shit show administration. 
 JB Gunner asks like he is this huge on-line force with all of these chat boxes coming and people being so involved  in his broadcast and again Gunner acts repeating names over and over again of people donating to his shit talk and if he was being aid as much as he claims the dude would be a billionaire . Nobody is donating to this gangster weirdo JB Gunner. JB Gunner seems to have alot of folk donating to his scummy talk podcast

even though numbers indicate he has a measly one thousand and something subscribers and in addition to him sounding like both a Meth head and a crack head all wrapped into a box with a bow on top.

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