Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Brobert call for articles of impeachment against corrupt failed President Joe Biden

     Eric  Ericson

    Joe Biden has now been called and impeached two by two separate Congress persons and the numerous other possible impeachment articles will be called by other members of Congress in the Senate.  Joe Biden is a career criminal and his incompetency and stupidity has completely failed this country as this maniac is perhaps the worst president in the nation's history .Joe Biden is a nothing but trouble evil troll president and he has failed and purposely allowed a massive influx of foreigners from South of the Border to come in and penetrate our country at all levels of our blue cities and sanctuary governments. Now Lauren Brobert has brought articles of impeachment from Joe Biden's failed border policies and his encouragement of illegal immigrants and failure to stop fentanyl trafficking and human smuggling at the border. Joe Biden of course can't stop human smuggling because  it is so profitable into his pockets he refuses. Likewise Major Taylor Green has pushed

forward impeachment articles to be moved ahead and impeachment of Joe Biden for his weaponization of government and of our Central Intelligence and Federal Bureau of Investigation Revenue Services as Mr Biden has overstepped his authority and has gone full-fledged craze dictator on his political enemies and fellow citizens in this country. Joe Biden is a failed sick geriatric 98-year-old president who has no business in the White House and it has only done so because of the ability of urban inner City activist two battle harvest and steal elections for their fellow black supremacist Joe Biden.

The sick nothing but trouble failed president 😔 Joe Biden trying to touch molet another woman. 

Joe Biden is a crazed maniac and other impeachment articles of other issues need to go forward as this man needs to be removed from the White House as our democracy has been undermined in the Integrity of our election destroyed by fascists Within our government and population it is surprising that these two brave women have gone forward or should not be

surprised that these two Brave women have gone forward to being the first two step up to the plate and take a swing at Joe Biden with that baseball bat. Is a tick tock viral song says Beat That Boy With A Bat. Joe Biden is a sick as the fuck in the movie nothing but trouble play by Dan Aykroyd and essentially this is the same character in our very democracy and national identity is that threat because of this monster we currently have in the White House. Joe Biden is z national disgrace, a pussy, a weakling, a jackass, a troll, a nerd, a fuck job, a puppet, a asshole,a wicked sick individual and the epitome of batman villain Democrat leadership

culminates with this ranting raging wanabee dictator in Old Joe Biden who set up as he stated and admitted in front of cameras the biggest election fraud campaign of all time. Joe Biden has attacked our democracy and election integrity and not only should this rat bastard form the tiny state of Delaware be impeached numerous times, removed and feathered, this man should be prosecuted and sent to a prison in Alaska.

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