Nathan Stoplman's podcast is boring without the douche Dosi the the Siamese cat in the background and he needs to get a baby hippo

   Kevin Rooster

     For some reason one of the podcasters I follow in my 300 bookmarks is this guy called Lift Avail with name Nathan Stobelman who has about the energy of a peanut in the shell. Nathan Stoplman and it is a little talking makes for one of the great sound sleep machines and perhaps only Gary Null beats him in this regard and often I put on one of their very long podcasts when I need to sleep for the night. Nathan Stopleman though was actually interesting to watch back in the day when I first discovered him because he would have this Siamese cat they would jump up and down sometimes even on his fucking back while he was Broadcasting looking at the computer camera and so forth. His background also would have a perch that the cat would often move while he did one of his 5-hour podcasts which by most accounts for most people would be described as boring as fuck. Even though Nathan

Stopleman and spoke of some weird subjects and deep conspiracies I don't think he would rank in the top 100,000 of pod casters if such a list were created. However his great Siamese cat with its cat-like antics and neurotic cat behavior did put Nathan Stoplman on the map and I have actually seen his cat stickers at places which I found shocking and disturbing and I had to order some for myself. I believe Stopleman still offers merchandise featuring his Siamese cat and Doshi the cat was likely most interesting aspect of this guy's podcast and accounted

for why 80% of viewers might have turned in for Nathan' s podcast. Stopleman is still broadcasting minus the cat as the poor cat she died a couple years ago and still haven't got so into his conspiracy theories and 10-hour Marathon podcasts that he forgot to feed his cat or fed it Alpo instead. One would think that this guy would get another Siamese cat as dopamine for a replacement for himself  to replace a dead pet but for some reason this guy has refused despite numerous comments to his YouTube channel and his fledgling in other social media networks.

I am also suggested that he get a baby hippo and put in the background is nothing is more cuter and this planet than the baby hippo and Nathan Stillman is a dude who can somehow manage to get this done and purchase one as a pet. Needless to say Stopman has put a stop to pets in his background and features them still refusing  to put any pets in his background and his videos and podcasts remain perhaps the most boring of them all and until he put something in the background I hardly doubt he'll ever regain his one-time massive audience and few want to hear Stoppers boring voice and dull insight.Nathan needs a baby Hippo on his perch while he broadcasts

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