Patrick David Bette and co-host worried about Rhon De Santis and his extreme positions and reimagining of the US flag

 Oscar Orton

.   Valuetainment Patrick David Betts is among the best and up-and-coming podcasters on the internet he has insightful guests and they often have great discussions. However David Bet and Patrick had this one  guest host on and they both destroyed Rhonda De Santis and his presidential bid. They think Ron De Santis and his campaign is the most terrifying event to ever occur and the potential of Ron DeSantis bringing fascism into America was not lost upon David Patrick and his various guest hosts what really is scary is Ron is so into Florida he wants to change the US flag into a one star new flag  and he often has this new flag of America at his campaghn events  with a one star that represents Florida. Ron Santis is not really running for president 2024 we believe in a voice said he's running for 2028 and Beyond.

Politicians need to run in advance even if it's a failure as many presidents who have been elected have run various times in the years before they finally got elected to get known throughout the country. Ron DeSantis is huge in Florida and he loves Florida so much that he is willing to change the US American flag to a one star flag. Patrick Bet-David doesn't like how he treated Disney World and Mickey Mouse and he says that if Rhonda Sanders would treat an American institution and great Character such as Mr Mouse imagine what he would do for the

rest of the country. Patrick David Bet says that Rhonda Sanders should stay as governor and if he can't run for governor no more his political ambition should be towards the US senate. The fact that Ron Sanders and his narcissism is so great that he thinks he can be actually president by only focusing on one state that is shaped like a penis is not lost on the Valuepayment podcast host.

Both Patrick Bet and his guests were angered by the arrogance of Rhonda Santis wanting to run for president and basically De Sanders is running for president for Florida Mr  De Santis thinks he can win the US presidential election by focusing on one state and ignoring the other 49 and this just is plain wrong according to Bet David.

Patrick  David says this is good that Rhonda Sanders is way down in the polls because such a political strategy a focusing on one state and one in one state to rule the entire country just is not good politics. The Descendants presidential ticket is doomed from the beginning Mr DeSantis also is looking to expand the state of Florida and he basically wants to create a new West Florida State out of Louisiana which he says is a state that should not exist. Likewise most of southern Georgia . Mr De Santa says actually is part of Florida and was part of Spanish Florida and the borders need to be redefined and he is encouraged the people of Southern Florida to ask for annexation and to secede from the state of Georgia. Ron De Santis campaign in 2024 is already dead in the swamp and desert and he and his advisors are already panning the 2028 election that is only four years away.

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