Perverse mentally unstable Greek American politician Alexi Giannoulias wants to ban the banning of perverse pedohplia books and want skids to be exposed and he considers running for president in 2028

  Buddy Cooper

    In the land of Lincoln we have this crazed career scumbag failed politician who wants also a failed banker some decades ago. This little disgrace of a Greek and worm ran several failed banks likely he and his family looted and somehow this troll and this worm got himself back into a major political office. Alexi Giannoulias is now secretary of state and he is pushing for Illinois to be the first state to ban the banning of books as he is committed ot not having any sick and

twisted brain washing disturbing books pushing sexual thought into your child's mind from ever being banned. This sick secretary and failed soul politician Mr Giannoulias and the fat dictator Pritzker will  sign a bill stating that libraries around the state and in Red county Illinois can't prevent the egregiously sick and disgusting GLBQIS2 books from being banned as this monster

monster wants all twisted rainbow books to be visibly displayed at your local library for all the kids to see. Alexis Giannoulias is a disgrace to Greeks and again this is a failed corrupt banker whose families Broadway bank failed back in the day costing customers to lose money and have their accounts virtually disappeared. 🤔 How this man is not serving time in a fed prison and not promoting the gay and lebian publishing propaganda is not known. I don't know how this disgraced failed politician returned to politics in the land of Lincoln and nbow this old aging dog-face gremlin actually is thinking of higher political ambitions and is thinking of running for president in four years.  😂Alexi Giannoulias was actually a rising and handsome star in state politics before his failures became known and his incompetency brought about and how this silly goofy daw clown returned is a testimony to his criminality and now support for the rainbow mafia and GBLTVQ community. Alexi Giannoulias says he was blown away how Red states banned these indoctrination books and sexual material and this perverted sick politician and jackass wants your kids to be exposed to has much pornographic material as possible and now he and the fat pig governor of Illinois will be

signing a bill to essentially prevent conservative and Christian parents from resisting their porn books. Alxis Giannoulias is a hypocritical as if there were a pro Christian book and one pushing major conservative support and values this 🤪  goofy son of a bitch would attempt to ban that book ASAP. Basically this Democrat wants certain books to be promoted  and ingrained into children minds and naturally it is the perverse propaganda that being homo is acceptable and preferable and any library or district in the state that attempts to ban these sick GBLTVI+ books will lose all state funding because of the fascists within this Democratic Party in Illinois such as this son of a dog Alexis Giannoulias. 

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