Crazed Connor McGregor's attacks and sends a Miami Heat mascot to the hospital

 Arnold Armstrong
     Psychotic MMA thug animal rish gangster Conner McGregor has  sent the mascot of the Miami Heat  named Burnie into the hospital. What the fuck is going on here dude. Conor McGregor sent the mask out of the Miami Heat with a one two punch from Miami and Mars in a brutal violent attack against one of Americas most beloved institutions of the mascot. The poo poo Heat mascot was  to the hospital after this punk UFC fighter  viciously attacking him at the Miami Heat and Denver Nuggets NBA championship finals last week.  Connor McGregor either had a flashback to his ring and has suffered numerous brain

concussions through his fighting in the barbaric Dana White Scummy Roman gladiator type events there should not even be held in this modern day. Dana White is also an Irish criminal and he has used the MMA in the UFC to basically funnel international money over hyping and over glorifying his barbaric sports and making the broadcasters even the broadcaster such as the bald head Joel Roman a major star. Many of these fighters are psychopaths who would be in a different cage where enough for the money in this and make no mistake Connor McGregor would be in a jail so if he did not have all the fortunes he can

get from destroying and beating up people in the cage of Dana White's  UFC .  With this in mind this caveman attacked a mascot for no reason during halftime of the Miami Heat and Denver Nuggets skiing and the vicious blows the Conor McGregor delivered to this mass guy could be heard from the cheapest Bob Uecker seats in the stadium period in the arena. The crazed drunk skunk Irishman Conner McGregor counter sucker punched the mascot and he  should be prosecuted for this attack and in no way was this a skit as the man is able to deliver powerful and dangerous death defining blows most likely the one thing that saved this individual from having a brain concussion and death experience was that the mascot outfits are fluffy because of the animal characters that they portray. Conor McGregor's unprovoked attack on the mascot is perhaps the darkest event we've ever seen and provided evidence to sports fans  and how this 

Irish gangster scumbag this leprechaun this weirdo this dangerous tattoo drag and maniac has not been arrested his further evidence that the super uber wealthy can get away with crimes that you are or normal people would have server sentence kind of McGregor is the epitome of evil and he is part of a mafia global system of massive money printing that they can distribute among themselves.  Mr McGregor should be arrested prosecuted and investigated with this crime and should have a felon record and perhaps this is coming as the man horrified the crowd beating of a mascot outfit ans the person in it he had to be taken to the hospital. Whether Conner McGregor was playing or thought that the mascot uniform was some sort of protective layer is not the point this idiot should not have swung with such force and he needs to use his head. Use you head Conner ..use your head and McGregor has a history of exploding on people once punched a sixty year old man in Ireland who refused a free whisky shot for Conner's horrible whiskey brand.  Conor McGregor is an animal and many people who in the few people who still had respect for I believe lost it upon seeing this attack. we also hope this mascot person sues the living shit and pulls the plug on MsGregor's whysky moon shinning. 

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