Prophets of Doom James Howard Kuntsler calls Joe Biden reelection campaign a joke and a skull fuckery for AmeiCCPa

     Bradly Austin

     The mindfuckery of America continues with the puppet for New Global Disrorder and its drive and quest to weaken and bring about a fall for the United States continues, The great Howard James Kuntsler am eon the coffee and  a mic show podcast with and spoke on several issues one of which is the reelection basement campaign  of this brain dad bastard known as Joe Biden. James Howard Kuntsler destroyed the corruption and obvious criminal destruction of our democracy with this old 85 year old demon from Delaware former Vice president and current illegitimate president Joe Biden. Howard also spoke on Tucker Carlson and his firing and the great social critic former lead sing of the quartet Prophets of Doom said Black Rock

The great perpetual podcasting guest and writer Howard Kuntsler James aka King James

singing group said that Black Rock  executive fink bastard Larry "The Fink" Fink likely made the decision for FOX New to get rid of Americas most popular new annalist and Tucker was about to take down the 60 minute propaganda piece of Ray Epps and the lie of 60 minuses that he was some innocent Trump supporter caught up in the moment and not what is more plausible which is Rap Epps was a provocateur paid thug and a fed . James suggested both January 6th and the rigged election was set up by the New Order.
      Globalist  Larry " The Fink Fink meeting dealing  with CCP Chinese official Lee Zhen-Wong

James Howard told the Mic and coffee host who believes that Joe Biden is a president and who believes in this fuckery that they will trod this silly son of a old bitch known as Joe Biden for a second term as the man is a failed  president perhaps one f the worse personalities and worse presidents in American history. Joe Biden is a corrupt languid failed  individual and most people would not want to hang and dig a jerk like him. James Howard says the economy is imploding and the banking system will collapse as big box retail is about to be real hit as he

spoke about the fall of Bed Bath and Beyond and James says there will be a huge glut of empty buildings from these former retail buildings as as more and more illegal invaders come form South of the border squatter problems will be a major problem and James Howard schooled the Coffee and Micke podcast about the history of Johannesburg and how the Black homeless squatters took over downtown Johannesburg and the sky scrapers basically taking over these tall buildings in the former apartheid capital of South Africa. Our economy has been over taken by the Chinese and men like Larry Fink who is a fink and a treasonous poisonous bastard working against out country  with the money form the internationalists. James Howard called Rhino Republicans as bad as Joe Bozo and said they are useless fucks offering weak resistance  to the global Democrats and their invasion avocations from Latinos and Ladinos fro Central America and this is because they wish to transform a democratic freedom constitution loving fee country into this clone of China and the CCP bringing crony fake capitalist extreme socialism inequality that we currently see in the horrific state of

China and its evil one party Communist state. James Howard is one of my favorite members of the History channels incredible long running Prophets of Doom television show that has been on some 15 years now and I have to sinking feeling one is going to be kaput and I hope it is not him as  to him and chemist Dave Collum and John Michael Greer though the years has been some of the best podcast ever contrived. 

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