Serpentza concerned about Chinese women being executed for frivolous crimes and longs for love of Cheng Er

    Lee Park Kong

   The Chinese focused blogger known as Winston Sterzel runs Serpentza blog and he often reports of the high crimes and evil of the CCP china which is ever expanding its tentacles and who many say have puppets and leaders around the world including our own Joe Briben. SerpentZa did a video talking about Chinese women who date to much often being harassed by the government and he recalled a young woman whom the crazed Communist state executed in the already eighties and much of the world ignored as it was watching Michael Jackson introduce the moon walk. The Chinese Communists executed this woman named Wang Bang Mang and numerous women were brutality executed by the Chinese

  Communists in in the seventies and eighties for having too many boyfriends which in China was like having two and basically this crime was gender specific sand further evidence of the massive misogyny of China at one time where boys were encouraged to be playboys. SerpetnZa says many Chinese women still face the Biden of being forced to comply to the moral standards of the day and Sir Winston Serpentza worries for the

famed Marilyn  Monroe type Chinese sensation model and Cheng Er scared some psychopath communist Chinese will cause her harm. as reported here the Chinese car model Cheng Er is a global sensation as she has millions and millions of Tik Tok and twitter pictures and videos  and in the East her face us plastered everywhere and many a Right bull writer busts a nut

thinking of her before they go to bed. SerpentZa is a stud and a half for over a decade he and his friends hot Chinese wife have been bring great internet material on the Chinese Communists having resided an lived in this authoritarian state that our sick Democrat party admires and allies itself with. He is one of the big three of our

favorite go to Chinese podders and vloggers with Chris Chappel and Epoch Times Roman Balmokov and i reckon if i was hot Chinese girl like Cheng Er I would sleep with all three. I reckon that Winston SerpentZa

could get Cheng Er in bed  but doubt Chris Chappell and Roman could accomplish this conquest as they are nerds or whatever. Cheng Er though brings so much trouble as many Chinese men are obsessed with her videos and she might be the most watched Tik Toker social media star in the world if they do such rankings and we have decoded also to promote this honey bunny. Before and perhaps even after his marriage it is rumored that Winston Sterzel is such a player and successful with Chinese women that he slept with over twenty thousand Chinese women as this South African white man is considered exotic and these were hot women many of them not to far off from the beauty of Cheng Er. The Chinese makes who follow and admire this foreigner have nicknamed Serpentza "Wilt Chamberlin" and unlike the dead basketball champion the women Winston slept with were successful and pretty women and not sweat hogs and in addition they were consensual unlike most of Chamberlin's conquests most of whom were technically raped. 

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