The first of many Joe Biden impeachments comes as desperate Democrats put forth ugly bald head corrupt ugly Jim McGovern to lie

    Brandon Hunter

   Scumbag bald head Jim McGovern of Massachusetts came during the first Joe Biden impeachment vote and Republicans have pushed forward the impeachment of Joe Biden and one of many coming impeachments of this pathetic and awful president. The main Democrats defender of Joe Biden during this 2-hour debate was a repulsive ugly bald head Congressman in Massachusetts named Jim McGovern who consistently constantly brought up Donald Trump throughout this debate even though this impeachment was against Joe Biden and not the successful and great 45th president that corrupt  and evil Democrats like Jim McGovern conspired to deny his reelection. These impeachment hearings has absolutely nada to 

Beauty and the bald beast debate possible Joe Biden impeachment

 to do with Mr Trump , yet the stupid Mr McGovern kept saying that the Republican former president and current candidate and this bald head piece of shit likely kept doing this to distract form the real issue and this was the incompetency of Joe Biden. McGovern kept lying out of his silly lying fuck face that the Republicans were bring this impeachment to placate to the demands of Mr Trump which is a lie and again this impeachment proceedings  had nothing to do with the former president. This dishonest troll bald bastard knows this and the terrible defense of Joe Biden and the ripping to shreds of Biden and McGovern's arguments by Republicans in this video were quickly taken off by C span and Forbes for some inexplicable reason hours after these pathetic proceedings exposed the dumbecrats  as perhaps the Democratic Baath party didn't want  videos of this to be seen in their pathetic pandering to the cult of Anti-Trumpism and anti-Americanism which the Democratic party serves the interests of the global world corrupt crony order. The lie by this bum McGovern that Republicans are only doing this impeachment for Trump is a egregious lie when fact members of Congress of the Republican Party have been calling for months for the impeachment due to the sinister actions of this 92 year old weirdo

and illegitimate president Joe Biden and what he has done in the past two disastrous years. The Democrats are immune  or condone the failures of their lousy Joe Biden Administration who has done absolutely nothing just stop the border crisis and the flow of drugs/profits for Mexican drug cartels. The corrupt Massachusetts loser their scumbag Jim McGovern  ignores these facts or again as I suspect POS like him condone and support it and get some

proceedings form these criminal Mexican elements . McGovnerd spoke many times puzzling many observers  to wonder why he was such the main speaker for the Democratic party and defending this loser Joe Biden and why the dumbocrats would have such a ineffective feminine dweeb to be given this arduous task, Jim McGovern is a fucking joke. Joe Biden is a failed president and needs to be removed from office and whether Jim McClownen likes it or not the complete failures and the weaponization of the Federal Bureau of Investigation by Joe Biden is impeaching

offenses and more will be coming. The more I look at Joe Biden and more he should be compared and resembles one of these corrupt Christian televangelists and indeed this man is a televangelist for the religion of both the cult of abortion and the new religion of Climate Crisis and without a doubt this creepy Biden is indeed serving as some sort of televangelist and is akin to the likes of Jimmy Swagart,  Pat Roberston , John Gray, Jim Bakker, Joel Osteen and of course my favorite childhood jackass con artist the neurotic and eccentric and hells gates residing Dr Gene Scott. Dr Scott likely will meet Mr Biden very soon we believe and he will be among the fort to greet this failed evil president in a month or two.  that my dad and me laughed and watched like a comedy hour Joe Biden can be legally impeached for some two dozen offenses and I hope the

Republicans have the courage like these two brave women to bring each and every article and make this moron the most disgraced  and impeached president in our nations history. Eventually the truth will come out that this maniac Delaware globalist funded monster stole the election of 2020 and he conspired with foreign demonic globalists to get this done.  Jim McGovern is a dick less wonder another of one of many stupid and ugly old Democrat fuck face politicians who look more like Batman villains than pro-american politicians working to the  betterment this country. Jimmy McGovern is perhaps one of the more pathetic members of congress and it is no wonder that he was very outspoken today in his defense of his failed President Joe Biden.

The government had no defense as the Democratic party is a party of criminality and the Mexican drug cartel and the global money from America's enemies that go into funding this structure Network in order to weaken this country progressives the Democrat Party and criminal politicians like Jim McGovern are in on this flow of drugs and gangs from South of the Border and they absolutely are pro-Narco cartel enjoy their crime and brutality they demonstrate in Mexico and AmeriCCPa as these organizations cause terror in both countries. Jim McGovern is a little bald weasel and from the likes and sounds of him today much of the country learned more of this disgusting troll of the politician that only the fuckheads in Massachusetts whatever elect to represent Jim McGovern is a fail politician who seeks to distract from the hunter Biden crimes and the syndicate of the Joe Biden and his possible  complicity with a Narco drug cartels South of the border.

Pastor Jim McGovern praying to the woke religion and the death cult of abortion within the halls of Montezuma and the Democrat Party religion of climate lies

This dweeb zero of a congressman demonstrate today that he is perhaps just another Democrat Party psychopath obsessed with Trump and suffering heavily from Trump's arranged syndrome and this man needs professional and mental health as he has both physical and mental disabilities. Jim McGovern is a jackass and I reckon Jim McGovern has been a jackass and a half for his entire life and a weasel like him should not ever be in a position that he is propagandizing on the house of the US floor is this man is an obvious Troll and a foreign agent working against this country.  In addition from the look of Jim McGovern he is a very weak leader and again I cannot comprehend how we have so many Democrat politicians that are weak and nimble minded working against our constitution and our Democrat system and are beholden to the criminal syndicates that control them and that politicians like Jim McGovern become puppets too Jim McGovern is a sycophant for both China and Joe Biden and his basic speeches in defense of Joe Biden and against this impeachment and articles was perhaps the most lamest speech ever seen in congress in the history of this country. this bald head is so stupid. Jim McGovern is a dweeb and a half and after seeing him I can conclude he must be in the top ten of Democratic Party dummies and this man represents and must represent the most radical elements of the Democratic Fascist party and coming form a real libtard region of the country of South Hampton Lesbian seagull country it is not surprising they would install such a troll and a dipshit.  Basically what  the stupid Jim McGovern from Massachusetts failed congressman and loser ugly said whether it be the Adam Schiff censure or the
The silly goose rat bastard Democrat Jim McGovern ..."the dweeb"

impeachment Joe Biden that Donald Trump told the Republicans to do so as he says is without evidence and total ignorance that the fact that Republicans are indeed out to get this horrendous president working his best to destroy this country's strength and ability. We need to get scumbags like Jim Dweeb  out of office and into a prison cell where this bald head deserves to be. Much to the chagrin of this left-wing lunatic who represents perhaps the most crazed District in America that includes Southampton and other areas filled with the most radical dumb GBLTQI+ rainbow  dumb dumb people.  Lauren Boebert impeachment articles went forward and they will go into a committee and be in proceeding and this is the

beginning of the end and the walls are closing in on Joe Biden. I also which would suggest the Republicans need to investigate this career politician and scumbag Jimmy Governor as this ugly old bald  guy is an obvious criminal and looks like one and the number of crimes he must have done had done in politics must be staggering and almost as numerous as fellow Northeast corrupt crazed Democrat Joe Biden. All these Northeast Democrat politicians are treasonous, dangerous, and most likely all them are crap puppets for foreign entities including bald head fuck Jim McGovern. The Democrat Party in fact was so embarrassed by Jim McGovern's performance that they quickly told Forbes Breaking News and other C-SPAN and other sites to take down the two hour debate as Republican after Republican tore into bald head Jim McGovern's ass. The Republicans destroyed the  Democrat Party during this debate  for allowing Joe Biden to fail as much as he has at the border and allowing foreigners to come in here and destroy this country. Jim McGovern is another typical Northeast wicked far left politician who is working against this country and not for it.

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