There is a mouse in the houseeee ...Mop head Frankie Rosa arrested in Indianapolis after shooting a mouse outside his house

     Sebastian Salvador

   A deranged lunatic mop head in the ever-growing ghetto and Rican scumbag city of Indianapolis has been arrested for reckless endangerment to individuals and animal torture. Frankie Rosen kept hearing scary noises what he thought it was in his head as a heavy coke and meth head user. Mr Rosa was used to things in his head but this sound different and he soon would find that it was a mouse that went back and forth between his home and outside for weeks this scumbag Frankie Rosa try to trap the mouse capture it

and he failed at all times one day the mouse was outside and he saw it through the window he went to grab his gun and Frankie Rose and took off several shots trying to kill this one Mouse that was making his life a living hell. This is called Frankie Ross and some heavy trouble as he was soon arrested and he was cuffed and stuffed in a paddy wagon like the whack job Rican weirdo that he is.

This man was arrested for shooting a gun out in the streets as he thought is was funny to chase down a small little mouse and gun him don in front of all the neighborhood hood rats and kids and surprisingly someone snitched in this no snitch shit hole neighborhood and Frankie and his mop head was arrested for the brutal murder of a mouse. Mr Rosa chased down tagged vermin mouse PTFG889769 and shot him dead on the mean streets of ghetto Indianapolis shot the little brown mouse like it was a dog. Mouse PTFG889769 was a popular beloved neighborhood pest but  loved and respected by both man and muse and this small critter would sneak into many peoples hoes and hep clean the dirty kitchens eating dropped cracker bits and partial eaten cookies that kids would drop out of their mouth. The mouse also helped out his fellow species with problems and man other mice went to it for advice and it will be missed in the mouse community. The residents of this Indianapolis neighborhood also enjoyed the mouse which often would infiltrate their homes and spend time with them often enjoyed watching  television with the households that didn't have pet sin PTFG889769 is dead at he rip age of 2 and hopefully this scumbag mop head Frankie Rosa get double this time in his sentence and the cries he did against this animal and shooting it with a glock was wrong. Frankie Rosa hopefully will do much time for this crime.  

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