Tom Apree is once again harassed by police and government workers not wanting him to film their lack of work and he gets confronted on the street by MS-13 gang member

 Phillip Epps

   Perhaps because their lack of work in their lack of work in production the government workers who fall victim to the imitation of the Long Island audit and filmer  Tom McCree are triggered and angered whenever this man with his camera comes to their zone Mr  Apree did  a new prank where he pretends he is on a zoom call with his wife and he goes to government buildings and offices where these office workers get triggered by his presence in filming in their workplace. The office government workers

are triggered likely paranoid because Apree will expose what little actual work these people on the dime of tax payers do in their government jobs spending much of the time watering plan ts or whateverrrr.  The police are often called and he has to tell them the constitutional rights he has to be able to film when and wherever he wants in public

property. Tom Agree was added again working from his base in New Jersey or New York or whatever  and going to the office workers in local governments who do not want him to be walking around and showing how little these people actually work in government jobs. Too Apree did another amazing crank prank  and the police were called in into a situation Tom Apree got when he left a office government building with lazy  workers watering plants or something  and started filming the street and

outside of bossiness, A tattoo MS 13 dragon went up to him and acting as authority detained Too Apree without authority and as a Hispanic male Karen with tons and tons of ugly gang tattoos decided he had to call the police as a Karen that he is. The MS !3 was humiliated as

police said Tom Apree had a right to film in a public setting as he claimed he was talking to his wife on a zoom call and even if he wasn't he has a right to use and walks around with a camera in public  space. Tom video spent a good five to six minutes as Apree clowned this MS 13 look alike with answering all sorts  of questions the way Too Apree

thought they should be answered and not this repulsive likely libtard drug pusher and seller perhaps tattoo business artist in this New Jersey corrupt hack town he was happened to be and filming this day. Tom Apree schools these office workers harassing and interrupting hos zoom face time call to his wife and he harassed this gangster who thought himself as some street authority and officer and when the real police showed up they put this tattoo scumbag ans freak ionto hos place and told him to leave the YouTube pranker Too Apree alone. 

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