Tyler Zed of Zeducation said of YouTube's education says the old Bud Light commercials predicted transvestite nation

    Gerald Jasper

    A new discovery on YouTube is this YouTube channel called education run by Tyler said Tyler said is a dude and a half who says it like it is and is another of a monk a growing class of YouTubers who make insightful political observations and declarations. Tyler said notice that the recent interest in Old Bud Light commercials has come to light and one in particular with a bunch of men cross-dressing back in the day is being re-examined. Tyler said that this Bud Light and campaign predicted the craziness of today of what we see with these weirdos

who dress up as women and look for more attention and favors and cheating through contest with women. The old Bud Light commercials featured four men who were obviously men and women's clothing pretend to be females and they were so horrendously looking it was comical. I suppose but like that they were going to be funny commercials but little did Bud Light at the time realize that this ad campaign would come out to be true. What we have in the United States in the West today are these men looking to take a

shortcut in life and become women and be able to compete against women whether it be in the sports world or the marketplace. Zed Tyler cannot believe how weird these commercials are and no shit like this would ever be made and the fact that these commercials were actually delivered on a regular basis amazes him. People like commercials did indeed kind of predict what was to come with these transvestite nation that we have of the growing epidemic and pandemic grossness of men wearing women's clothing. The idea of men wearing women's clothing to harm women also should not be passed as one of the most famous and early serial killers was indeed a transvestite who grabbed and killed women out of Oregon named Jerry Brudos  who dress up a women do have violent

tendencies and are abnormal and whether Bud light knew that this possibility would come to light and force all the future is not known. Said Tyler however believes this to be the case and when he watches his word old but like commercials he can help to see how accurate they were in predicting the future. What Zed of ZedEducation doesn't know though they're probably were a bunch of weirdos dressing up pretend to be women entering women's contests and bathrooms but we did not hear much about it from the media back then and they did not have  support of the Democratic Party.  In addition to support of the democratic party for such a weirdos would awesome likely never occur. I believe there was also a transvestite character in the old on the Family Show starring Archie Bunker so actually in urban areas transvestites and transgender psychopathic disease were not uncommon

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