Wally Jackson
Appearing on Laura Bash's terrible CNN show 🤣 the disgusting troll and failed transportation secretary and Mr Pete Buittplug has done it again coming in and impairing before Dana Bash's show on CNN. Peter bashed and attacked Colorado web designer Laurie Smith for her lawsuit and victory with the Supreme Court's decision as she sued the state of Colorado for their harassment and fining of her business. 😦Prick Buttgieg said there is no evidence that a gay couple actually wanted to use the service and then she got into this business to commit and produce a harassment lawsuit against the state of Colorado and this elusively is the reason she started her business. He says there was no couple that tried to use her service and got denied based on her religious views.
from the state of Colorado and their anti-discrimination laws. The disgusting troll and failed South Bend former mayor of Indiana people came on CNN corporate media and stated lies and misinformation stating that this woman only got into the business of wedding designing just to provoke a Supreme Court decision. Pete Nuttigieg looks like a late night TV bullshit host and he acts like one and given his failures as transportation department head he is now distracting with rainbow issues and making numerous propaganda appearances on corporate media. Buttplug buts heads for the insane leftists in making these comments all while showing the lunacy that is in the butt plugs ass of Pete Buttigich ...Pete Buttigieg is a failed Transportation secretary who's infrastructure has gotten worse with his short tenure and he
was perhaps the worst mayor in America in his short tenure as a failed South Bend, Indiana mayor. Pete is a disgusting homosexual and individual for him to make this comment and he needs to be censored and forced to apologize for saying such a comment about this web designer Lauri Smith without fact of evidence. The absurdity of homo Pedo Buttigieg and his comments about this woman on corporate mainstream media is indeed dangerous as well and this man should be forced to resign his position as Transportation Secretary he is the utter disgrace , a sick puppy, and embarrassment to an already embarrassing Democrat administration. Basically I think Buttigieg lied and had this🙄 meltdown is because he knows he's a failed individual and a failed presidential candidate and he has absolutely not a chance in fucking homo hell in future runs given the toxicity this troll has produced as a media fascist and his failure as transportation secretary and much of the country knows that people is a joke and a woke one at that.
Peto may run for the rainbow people again but he has absolutely no chance and he peaked in the last election and in no way will this country ever elect such a scumbag . With this in mind Peto just as well aware of this and he has accepted his role in lesser politics and media and in fact he will process to be a media whore and a troll which he already is and he perfectly belongs and fits right in . Buttplug will fit in with the four big networks with the amount of bullshit he has already stated through the media in the past. Habitual liar and failed mayor Pete is a woke joke and it disgusting radical member of the GBLTVRTXYZ community and he is all lost all little credibility that this little worm had with his comment about the Colorado web designer Lori Smith. Bad Failed mayor Pete told Lori Bash and CNN there was no merit to the 🥸 Supreme Court case by the woman who was sued by the state of Colorado and thankfully this little jackass is not a member of the Supreme Court nor will he ever be people just opinions are stupid and CNN is lost many subscribers and viewers rating through the years because it allows so much air time to dipshits as the failed former South Bend,
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Bad failed former mayor of South Bend Indian sleepy Pete Buttigieg |
Indiana mayor who accomplished nothing else in politics and whose tenure in this small hick town in Indiana is disgraceful and he is hated. South Bend, Indiana has become a sundown town for Pete Buttigieg and he dare never to venture into it again. South Bend is the home of corrupt Notre Dame and has massive inequality is a home of Notre Dame was completely horrible. Pete just is not qualified to be Mishawaka County dog catcher let alone any other major political position and again we cannot emphasize more this guy is a woke joke and someone needs to smack wake this sleepy Pete up.
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