Delmarvin Delbutler hired by the Little leprechaun blog

 Arnold Armstrong

   Today we have the pleasure to announce that we have hired another blogger to come here and write here at this award winning blog that now has more than a thousand views up 700%v in the past month. Del Marvin DelButler will be dealing and  writing here soon as he has signed a 13 million dollar contraction for two years to join are award wining and dying writing force and given the amount of deaths it is a natural progression that we hire as many replacements as possible and Del Marvin will join Center Bear blog as another great centralist and practical writer here neither politically a left or right winger. Del Marvin DelButler is Del best and the amount of Dels we will now be able to annouce and declare as pronouns will be amazing and increase dramatically as this man could easly have jsut called himself Marvin Butler but lay claims to these three other letters because he wants to and feels entitled to add them just for the fuck of it. 

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