Dmitri Diamond
The fat ass of Whoopi Goldberg is about to be sued out of her ass. Country singer Jason Aldean is purportedly to sue the awful program the Views and ther bitch hosts including Whoopi Goldberg who is a committed Marxist and Communist while living a high income lifestyle. Whoopi and fellow black supremacist Sonny Hostin for years has smeared people and man ponder why these evil sick women have not been canceled or sued in the past. It appears the smear slandering of these wicked witches of the View may of caught up to these whores as country
singer Jason Aldean is set to sue the custom toilet living Whoopi Goldberg and other executives at the View responsible for slandering him and calling his song and Jason Aldean a racist from his new song try that in a small town. Jason Aldean's lawsuit may be in the ballpark of 40 million and
various though reputably podcasters are saying this is coming and indeed Aldean is suing the fat out of the fat disgusting arse of Whoopi Cushon and will clean her ass out and in no doubt maybe even taking the custom toilet of bad comedian and propagandist from hell and Disney networks.

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