Desperate for attention Lord Brady makes a scene at a preseason game and he is not going to the Super Bowl

      Alex Mousololpolous

    Lord Brady was seen at the recent Dallas Cowboys preseason game against the Las Vegas Raiders and in his first year retirement no doubt Tom Brady is feeling edgy. Tom Brady already misses the Limelight and he purposely put a cameraman to have him cheer on the quarterbacks as they made out of the locker room and one can clearly see that Lord Brady is sad and depressed Tom Brady is no longer going to be playing football and he is going to

have to get used to being on the sideline and porting the actual people who can still play in this game failed else cowgirls quarterback Zach Prescott came up to Lord Brady also the same night and told the great one that he need he owned Zach Prescott something. With this Lord Brady told Zach Prescott he did not own shit did not own him shit and what this conversation was about was not explained. Zach Prescott is not only going to this not going to be going to Super Bowl ,but neither is Tom Brady and this can be perhaps two more of infamous footballers that we can clearly say are not going to the big game this February.

Lord Brady looks sad and I will not be surprised if midway through the season Tom Brady does attempt yet another comeback in coming out of retirement is this man it realizes that without football he is a nobody. This naturally hurts the narcissistic Tom Brady and it is his extreme narcissism to why he ha splayed so arrogantly ling as he has accomplish already

more than enough and still insisting for the past five years which there was no reason Tom Brady needn't have played and should of been retired already stepping aside for the game and giving opportunity for other quarterbacks to shine. Many were

woodering why Tom Brady was even at this game and without a doubt Tom is sad that he is out of the game and he don't know what the fuck to do with his time and he misses all of the attention this suck culture gives to men who wear costumes and chase balls as Sean Thompson would say.  Lord Brady and Lady Bundchen need to settle their differences as the split between king and Queen and their royal offspring should be more of a conversation Tom Brady should be having. Tom Brady is not going to the Super bowl regardless if she returns.

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