Wally Jackson
Perhaps the biggest weasel on the internet is this Argentine and Venezuelan born fascist and elitist David Pakman who neither a human or a man nut actually just a little rat ant that eats his own feces. David Pakant has done a program of polticla interference and propaganda with a attack video on Donald Trump for every day since August 21 if 2015 and recently the weasel and little ant celebrated his anniversary of first paid attacks ads on Donald John Trump. Very few times though through the years prick David Pakant has ever spoke or meddled into the internal affairs of his own nations polities as the woman is not an American but a globalist Argentine who has been allowed to come here from South America and to spread massive hate. lies, and pure
misinformation and polticla confusion. Now the ant King David Pakjerk has indeed started disusing Argentine politics and the coming presidential primary coming as the propagandist pod caster told his fellow Argentinians not to vote for Javier Melie. Melie is being attacked by the intentional media and without a doubt this scumbag David Dumbass got the memo and he is attacking presidential candidate Javier Melei as much as he does with Donald trump. Pakman has said little of the narc related deaths of two presidential candidates who promised they would tackle the countries addiction and plague of corruption and go after the role the criminal internationalists commit to brig this about with the cartel drug pushing organization and naturally this leftest says fucking Nada about it and the drug cartels operating in South American and causing massive tyranny and terrorism in their respective nations. Javier Melie life is in danger as the right-wing populist likewise had committed a war on globalism and their narco-related objectives and massive international cross bording corruption operations.,

closer to two million subscribers. In no way should a uncharismatic fool like this silly jackass and propagandist David Pakant should have two million subscribers and the vast majority of his subscribers are not real people but bots clicked in by the likes of Chin Gag. Pakshit is now calling Javier Milei all sorts of names and defaming him as much as he has defamed Trump through the years and he basiclaly called Javier Milei a neo-Nazi and financial terrorist right-wing demagogue. The disgusting attack on Javier Melie is about the same we see when this Pakshit attacks Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Ron De Santis , Matt Gaetz. John Kennedy, and of course Donald Trump whom this piece of shit has now done in access of over 5000 videos about Donald Trump on his propagandist program.
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