Fox News host Jesse Watters destroys the over-educated elite class that owns the media and tells him what to say

    Ramon Ramos

    Fox News host Jesse Watters laid into the higher education academic obsessed snobbish elitism that rules Washington and the media.  Jesse Waters lay down how the media has changed through The Years from actual journalists who took pride in their jobs and were rough around the edges and grizzled older veterans to this metrosexual woke praised over educated Elite today's media have become the part of the wealthy class with their higher incomes provided by the global networks and hedge fund

internationalist who have purchased the media and given media members in the scumbags such as Joy Reed and Joe Scarborough huge incomes along with the likes of Jim Acosta these people are so out of touch and actually anti-working class and anti-middle  class that they stain them and they actually work in the field of journalism to support the establishment. Jesse Waters tore into the higher achieving degree obsessed class that has taken over business and government as well and these people are working to make themselves richer through the chaos and destruction of your jobs and your standard of living. In today's elite run twisted  media fascism we see the massive amount of corporate propaganda and the Democratic party is run by money and much of this money is dictated by non-Americans and Brown and Yellow globalists determined to bring authoritarian governance as seen in their native lands and stans onto AmeriCCPa and they have the sup[port of this batman villain Democrat party political evil class in this country.  and we

We have invented and termed media fascism to explain what CBS Disney ABC. Cnnccp and the Race network NBC do on the daily basis in their attacks against Mr Trump and those politicians who stand up to the Democrat Party authoritarian politicians and their policies. Jesse Watters is doing outstanding work and Fox News was able to replace a man such as Tucker Carlson because they had these other great analysts who waited in in the wings and now Mr Waters is enjoying the Tucker free limelight.  Jesse Waters explain the takeover of the media by the wealthy class as one of the reasons why we are facing economic inflation and at the terrorism of the economy we see

today. The disgusting attitude of the pompous, arrogant over educated Ivy league institution class was given a thorough bashing by Mr Waters who likely will now be the target of many of these same sick individuals many of whom we have noticed are Jewish. The  Jews are way over represented in higher learning and in government these people part of the ivy league establishment are working to make your life more difficult and increase poverty throughout America and this is actually a thrill for many of them.

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