Martin Manziel
Dream Money
Johnny Manziel is a failed football player who won the Heisman trophy and failed badly in the National football league despite being the number one pick in the league Football Johnny as he was called was a total disaster as he was addicted to the hard liquor and the juice and his brain was unable to comprehend the difference between the X's and O's and he ran left when he was
suppose to go right and something. Football Johnny wasn't an original nickname as the original nickname belonged to the fifties Heisman trophy winning and short career baller quarterback
name Johnny Lujack who played for the Chicago Bears put up some huge numbers for the era of dead scoring and he did so for a few years. Johnny Lujack died quietly this past week and somewhere Johnny Manziel gulped as he woke half drunk and looked at the obituaries and for several minutes he had a flash attack and thought he was reading about his own death. However it took the brain and meth head of Mr Manziel to realize first round pick
found some success in the National football league in an era where the players didn't get mafia criminal bankster money thrown to them even before they succeed. Johnny Manziel is more of a fucking bank robber Jesse James than footballer as the amount of theft Johnny Manziel and his
guaranteed contract was able to proceed with getting millions and millions to fail is a national disgrace may be talked about for future generations criticizing this era and the money thrown to the " entertainment" and sports professionals " despite their on-field failures such as this garbage athlete alcoholic Johnnny Manziel. Football floppy Johnny Manziel has worn at last count

electrician getting 20 to 30 years of electrician salary from day one of passing his apprenticeship regardless if they are going to be a good worker and so forth. Make no mistake Johnny Manziel is a Black Bart or Cody Cowboy bank robber as the man stole millions from the banks and money given to the criminal enterprise that is the National Football League and other professions sports leagues. Surprisingly Johnny Manziel outlived Johnny Lujack as about seven years ago Johnny Manziel's few remaining friends thought he was headed to a early death with his drug taking and boozing and his premature death has been wrongly expected. Johnny Lujack retired early as he had enough of smelling other men's sweat and dirty socks in the disgusting locker room an he was out of there by the mid fifties and u like Johnny Manziel this Johnny Heisman proved he had the talent to play the game and at the top level. Johnny Lujack is dead at the age of 99.
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