Max Bald
The vicious feud between Rand Paul and Ohio senator Sherrod Brown plays out i other alternative universes but is perhaps most egregious in alternative universe 1393Pyh and numerous alternative universes with the United state sand current members of congress involve presidential race between Rand Paul and Sherrod Brown which will not even come close to occurring here as it looks like another Biden and Trump match up in our universe
called 6599TYB . The best we can do is try to cause conflict between these two incredible American states men and have tried slumberous times this blog and has failed. However it appears there is tension between Kentucky's Paul and Ohio's Brown . The two closed in our universe as a
hearing about Ukraine funding is tearing our US senate apart and Rand Paul came out and clashed with Democrats which included the crazed bushy hair woke senator form Ohio who he himself is up for a election race and may be booted out in Ohio.These two clowns look like inbreed blood brothers and I am surprised they cant get along with our universe and how many other universes these two are heated rivals and though the internet I have discovered 83 alternative universes for 2024 where these two are in heated battle for the election of 2024 and wit Rand Paul projected to win 55 of them and Brown winning 27 with one election that was a dead heat tie. In the meantime Brown is defending and requesting more US support and financial movement towards Ukraine as the
crazed Democrats are pushing our country towards a path to World War III as Paul Rand would say and indeed repeated that line at a recent senate debate for more war money to the Ukrainian Nazis. The blow up between Rand Paul and Ohio's Sherrod Brown really exploded with both men grabbing their canes ready to strike and ready to repeat a event that occurred early in our nations history in the US chambers between conflicting members of the political
class in the Mid West. Paul and Brown Neal came to blows and Rand Paul called Sherrod Brown a war monger determined to pickpocket the American tax payer in order to create and spread our money to Eastern Europeans in a war that should not be occurring and only lasts so ling because of crazed rat bastard Democrats like Cheryl Brown.

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