The sick Sunny Side gets pissed and shitted on by a lake turtle and he disgustingly eats bats and stink bugs in recent video

 Chuck "Cheese Puff " Goodwin

    The repugnant greatest food taste tester and review show is hosted by the psychopath named sunny side. Sunny side shows no shame and if it's moves and it's alive he will eat it and he doesn't care what it is Mr Side is determined to eat anything possible that some culture might accept as a cuisine and a dish Sunny Side once again went to Asia and he did a video with a fat Hmmong from America named Yia Vang as they looked into bad cuisine and how these rural villages in Los prepare and capture

bets the difficulty these backwards Hillbillies will go to capture bat meat despite how small the bats are even surprised Sunny Side. I reckon these people are unable to grow wheat and they're not very good farmers and thus they have to rely on bush meat and actually put a big trap to catch little bats for a little meat here and there.

Sunny and his co host for the Laotian adventures name date bat and they liked it despite it being one of the grossest mammals and meat one can imagine,  The inability of the Laotians and the southeast Vietnamese people formally of the Siam Empire to grow food probably can be related to massive flooding and how this area was exploited by both the Siam Empire and

the french. These people are unable to grow wheat and eat normal food and especially in the back Waters of Lyle's they will eat anything that moves with this in mind Sunny Side was at a market with this fat American born Hmongg  Yia Vang who is a bog fat soy boy who now suddenly has a itching to go back to his native land and learn how to cook disgusting animals and meat. They were at a market and Yia Vang

Sunny Side was holding a river water turtle which proceeded to shit and piss on him much to the humor of Sunny Side's co-host for this episode Sunny Side is an idiot who hides his scar and balding head with a bandanna and he also was shit on later in the video as he was underneath the bats leaving the cave at their normal time in the morning and the amount of batshit that dropped on Sunny Side cannot be estimated but must have been very heavy and disgusting. Sunny Side proceeded to eat several types of little bat species the Hmonng and loss in these rural villages eat and again this man has no shame in the food that he

puts in the stomach to digest bat  Covid. Bats should not be consumed by the human body and it is without a doubt very reprehensible for Sunny Side to be dropping bats into his gut stomach. Sonny Side and his Hmonng co host also ate sup with live stink bugs and they ate it with no shame Yuk.
Eating Insects is yuk

  Sunny Side should rename his program the sickest Food review the greatest sickest Food review critic and show that's basically this is what Sunny side is he will eat the most disgusting repulsive foods and then put a YouTube video in try to sell some programs to cable networks needless to say Sunny Side is sick.

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