Diego Franco
The Unbelievable hillbilly dressing prank job in YouTube internet host known as white dome light with his partner Henry have finally come to New York City. The country bumpkin often goes through rural areas and chases a Walmart or Walgreens where he initiates contact with usually blacks and call them boy. Sometimes he'll throw in a cracker comment to an old white guy just to mix it up why don't might and his boy pranks have captured the imagination of this country and this man's incredible growth in popularity has exploded in the past year. White
Dolemite and Henry have gone to New York to explore and look for the Hip Hop dressing jackasses such as pig boy Nems Fly. They plan on eventually meeting and pranking that fat Cony island king of hip hop and insult and his scumbag friends at their corrupt clothing company in Cony Island.
White boy Dolemit and Henry are men on a mission to basically confront Gorilla Nems and to call him out for the thug mafia gangster rapper scum artist that he is. In this country in urban areas the most repulsive and repugnant people are
Pig Boy Nems |
funded and given popularity and this basically explains the popularity of rapper street social media insulter Gorillas Nems who has been given access to huge credit to open up a overpriced clothing store white dome light is also on the search of for Opto of Top Notch Videos please committed to pranking fooling and embarrassing as well in the meantime while they were in New York White Donut and Henry trolled a bunch of street people and thugs about the way they dress ( ignoring their own pathetic look) and that these New Yorkers they couldn't be loitering in front of a beloved Starbucks. White Dolemits video in Blue
libshit New York was a gold mine as just the appearance of Dolemite and Henry is different unrecognizable environments for them in urban and dangerous AmeriCCPa was unpredictable and fantastic. whether these two clowns get to prank and slam the joker and bad fat rapper Nems Gorilla fly remains to be seen. Dole and Henry harassed several other people boy throughout the day with Henry on his side who is an Obama looking grasshopper jumping, backstabbing, backup these two went unchallenged and only one individual in the 2 days that these scarecrows were in new York did dare challenge and push White Dolomite back for his trolling. White Dolemite and peasant Henry are incredible agitators and prakers who has come up with a 18th century boy insults taking what was historically practically a racial tensed comment and made into a modern-day trolling and YouTube channel. Amazing. White Dolemite insulted several people on the Big Apple and both he and Henry looked so out of place like a fucking fat polar Bear in the Sahal. Whether Dolemite and Henry are going to do more street pranks and go on a national tour remains to be seen
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