Benjamin Netanyanu threatens to expand war and take it to Recep Tayipp Erdogan and call for holy war and put Hamas and Turks into the dustbin of history

 Alex Mousololpoplous

    The dog dictator who live splaying wit feral dogs rectums is the Turkish evil dictator mass genocidal oppressive ruler of the Turks in mad dog Recep Erdogan Tayipp. The threats the other day of the Turkish authoritarian wicked dictator was answered as Israel prime minister Benjamin Natanyahu came and responded to a speech fro the Turkish savage and Benjamin Netanyanu blasted Turkey and its crazed leader saying Israel is always ready for a regional war given the number of psychotic states and neighbors it shares in this region and he told Tayipp Erdpgan to bring it on,,Netanyyahu says he will put Hamas into the dustbin of history and if Turkey is bot

careful this wicked dog of a leader might be erased in total regime war change much like fellow Islamofasicst Saddam Hussein faced the brunt if two decades before as Turkish Tayipp is getting more unhinged and sick as he ages and a coup against this mad dog might be necessary and in coning as a regional US lead war coalition against it with Greek and Kurdish allies may seen the

complete redrawing of the border and encircling and shrinkage of the Turkish state as should of been done following World War I. Make no mistake the Erdogan dog administration is morient Recep Tayipp Dog is playing with fire and as a good bad dog he will get burned. 
 Natanyahu is not fucking around and if the Turks dare to enter it this will be among the most disastrous moment sin battle and war in Turkish history which ironically for a empire that lasted 700 years has had many disastrous battle and this is a country and people who almost got completely erased as a nation as these are a people whop should not have a nation and not the Kurds. Recep Tayipp is a fucking dog among the worse

individuals in our political world and this man represents a danger as he is the most insane unhinged leader and deranged madman in the middle east since Muhamarr Khaddafi and Saddam Hussein and this man must be eliminated and wound up the same way as the former dictators of Libya and Iraq eventually ended their lives on brutal death. 

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