Hillary Clinton humiliated again as Alex Rosen crashes her meeting and accuses her husband of going to Epstein Island 37 times

    Carlson Tucker

     The Clinton crime syndicate family is one of the most horrible things in American political history and not enough attention and prosecution has gone their way. Hillary Clinton is a disgusting wicked witch from Park Ridge, Illinois who is this political monster who for some three decades have made many people disappear. One of these people now who might disappear is the online pedophilia hunter known as Alex Rosen. Fatty interrupted Hillary Clinton's speech to a large partisan crown of Democrats the other day as Alex Rose accused her husband of being a

major pedophile who hung around with Jeffrey Epstein and went to his Island 37 times to try very slowly this and young youthful sex that is illegal in this country. Alex Rosen was surprisingly tackled and taken away very quickly as the subject of Bill Clinton and his sexual perversion and pedophilism is taboo for Hillary Clinton and anyone mentioning this interrupting Hillary Clinton's numerous for profit appearances runs a risk of being thrown out. The Hillary security staff beat

down Axle Rose as he was quite literally taken apart by 15 people who rushed him out of the hall as he continued to yell the fact that Bill Clinton visited this spot of Jeffrey Epstein where high-profile men would fly in from around the world with the interest of having sex with underage little girls. Bill Clinton  a disgusting troll and one of the worst individuals ever to hold the White House. Bill Clinton was a sexual predator and serial rapist part of a generation of powerful men who thought like Jeffrey Epstein seen they can do and fuck around and find out Bill Clinton quite literally went to Jeffrey Epstein's Island fucked around and Jeff Epstein found out. Alex Rosenthal might want to lose some weight and change his identity after this as he has fucked around and now he probably didn't realize that Hillary Clinton is still alive and a panoply of a hit dead list and that he might find out now. Alex Rose and calling out Hillary Clinton and embarrassing her might be the most epic scene of 2024 campaign and this follows a week ago where Hillary Clinton was similarly trolled, confronted, and embarrassed in front of a large crowd this is not been a good month for Hillary Clinton and she is indeed a evil Disturbed power hungry woman who needs to go away and she and her followers need to be deprogrammed in a camp either in Yukon or Alaska. Bill Clinton and Jeffery epstein had the habile talent of getting girls and young women underage dressed and undressed very quickly and t high crimes of Mr Epstein cost him his life as he was terminated to keep him silent and unable to be a witness against the Clinton crime syndicate.

Hillary Clinton is a traitor to this country and scumbags like her and her family have helped weekend this country and empowering China as Hillary Clinton is a committed Marxist and her evil ideology is a danger to this country again this woman needs either to be deported to China or put in a labor camp in Alaska and be deprogrammed for her line of thinking and her willingness to work against the vast majority of the people in her country in this country

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