Left-wing lunatic and dipshit Jimmy Door shows his true colors and supports Palestinian terrorists

  Kevin Rooster

    Once again Jimmy door and his crew have moved far to the left as Jimmy Dore has become a dipshit again and a radical Marxist leftist. The unpopular YouTube host and bad comedian Jimmy Dore in recent weeks has moved to an extreme position in support of terrorism and pro Hamas positions with numerous videos attacking Israel and their right to self-defense and to wage a ground and air assault against the Gaza Strip. Little Jimmy supports the terrorists that reside

within it by some estimates more than 80% of the population support Hamas in the Gaza Strip and through the generations they have produced a anti-Semitic culture and hate of Israel and the Jewish Nation. This  culminated in a massive barbaric attack on October 7th which doesn't bother Jimmy Door has not mentioned these attacks in the past 3 weeks and he is acting like Israel is

attacking Gaza and preparing for a ground Invasion for a no reason the far left radicalization of Jimmy Dore and the back and forth he is done through the years has been reprehensible and Jimmy Dore has really gone left-wing lunatic for the Palestinian radical Muslim cause. Jimmy Dore continues to put out propaganda videos in support of the Hamas Nazis and their terrorist

organizations and the amount of lies and misinformation this man continues to put up in supports of the Palestinian cause is utterly disgusting Jimmy door ignores the rice and anti-Semitism and attacks on juice across the world as a radical Muslim mindset has set in and whether Jimmy Dore like Andrew Tate has converted to Islam is not no. Jimmy Dore is a weird podcaster who is

committed to a crazy ideology and support of obvious terrorists and Sinister individuals and anyone who can still support the Palestinian cause after their willingness to slaughter innocent civilians and children and do it in such a medieval barbaric way of the most unimaginable torture is a sick Soul Jimmy door is a dipshit who likely gets off and fantasizes about the atrocities committed by Hamas against families where children were brutalize in front of their parents and vice versa and the disgusting move and support of Jimmy Dore and his co-host Kurt Metzger and other staff has been shocking and appalling Jimmy Dory is once again a left-wing lunatic any dangerous

individual whose ability to propagandize and lie on YouTube knows no bounds and the dipshit has once again become this crazed left-wing troll Jimmy Dore is a dipshit who can never be trusted again and any support he had from White right wingers and conservatives should float away is this man is on his anatomy and a danger to all

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