Mentally unwell Punk Scott Horton comes on Tim Pool's show and makes a horses ass of himself


Frank Banks IV

      A hick ass and punk bitch  himself Scott Horton never loved misses an opportunity to promote himself and the opportunity to attack the United States military interests overseas Scott Horton came on Tim Pool's program for 30 minutes of nonsense as the pro Hamas and family anti-war radical host of came with his usual bullshit and pro Palestinian calls. Scott Horton is so openly advocate of the empowering terrorists in the Middle East he doesn't even try to hide it. The longtime podcaster propagandist  he is upset at the Israeli bombing that he says is disproportionate to the response of the mass butchery of 1500

Israeli citizens by Hamas terrorists and time of war there is no disproportionate numbers as in the Vietnam War well over million Vietnamese were killed by the Americans to the loss of 50,000 yet supposedly we still lost their War. Israel is fighting a war of Second Independence and they are fighting against numerous enemies in the Middle East and first and foremost are the Hamas Nazis that attacked them on October 7th. For the punk and The Hick Scott Horton of to say that diplomacy was more necessary

than the immediate response in bombing shows the delusional thinking of this crazed man. This idiot tried to make some comparison if the Navajo left their reservation and killed  this many people there would be no resolve to carpet bomb the reservation in Arizona and like much of Scott Horton's comparisons much of what this fool says Scott Horton has produced some 6,000 propaganda anti-war videos in his lifetime and he will let certain groups like the Palestinians do as much atrocities as I can but when they face repercussions from Israel this silly jackass pushes back

immediately and calls for a ceasefire. Scott Horton is a punk and a hick who has no credibility and for some 10 to 12 years he has performed some of the most idiotical propaganda one can find and WKAL in Kalifornia and the program that gets syndicated throughout country Scott Horn is an individual who wants to see Russia, China, and North Korea empowered and he enjoys at the Taliban or once again in power preventing a modern Democrat state with free and full equal rights for autism and genders. Scott Horton did not want the United States involvements to accomplish these goals and one must wonder. The Craze support that the punks got hoarding of the libertarian Institute says constantly for

Muslims and whether Scott Horton is a Muslim himself and not only was Scott Horton a member of Isis but he was also a member of Taliban. He  is one of the rare individuals and he's being able to continue his grifting for be able to cross border both of these evil Islamic organizations. Scott Horton has propaganda ice in the past for ISIS and for the Taliban and he's being allowed to continue his grifting for radical Islamic terrorism as he's officially now became a card marrying member of the Hamas broadcast team signing a contract for 2 years to 1.5 million dollars. Scott Horton is a mentlaly disturbed weird looking fellow.

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