Tucker Carlson goes to Spain and is running for the Spanish presidency last Pedro Sanchez and his amnesty to Islamic and catalonian terrorists

 Ramon Ramos

    The massive popular  media personality and rock star Tucker Carlson is seriously considering running for the Spanish presidency after some recent appearances at the protest in Spain what is happening in Spain is the far left of globalism and radical politics is attempting to produce a new tyranny that is pushing Spain to the close and brink of civil war. The far left continues to be a source of friction and problem globally and in Spain socialist Premier Pedro  Sanchez has

angered the population with given amnesty to hundreds of Islamic and Catalonia terrorists they have caused Bloodshed on Spanish soil. Pedro Sanchez in a desperate move to create a far left government alliance offered the amnesty to these terrorists and this has opened up a firestorm. Tucker Carlson has appeared at several of these Spanish nationalist rallies against the political far left and many are pushing for Tucker Carlson to make the move and to get Spanish citizenship so

he can run for the premiere ship in Spain. Tucker Carlson is going to join the Vox party in Spain and his appeared with several top politicians in Spain and of this political persuasion group and many are pushing for the same former Fox News Superstar to run for the Spanish presidents Tucker Carlson and fox party leader appeared in before the Spanish crowd and Tucker Carlson blasted the current leaders failed leadership of Pedro Sanchez calling him a disgrace to the legacy of the Spanish nation and its glorious past. The idea that an American Fox News former

broadcaster can come and become president of Spain would be one of the most remarkable Global stories of all time and drive the far left utterly loco. The American former Fox News host visited the leader of Vox political party Santiago "the rascal" Abascal  Tucker Carlson said there are forces pushing the country of Spain into a divisive and bloody second civil war. Pedro Sanchez

and the far left in Span are determined to bring this about working with global Muslims to bring about a new divide and conquer tactic take over last seen when these monsters came from across he sea and destroyed the Visigoths empire many many many crescent moons before. 

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