Chicago Faied mayor Brandon Jackson hospitalized for anxiety panic attack and drug dependency

     Jim Oberweis

    The failed woke black supremacist mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson has been hospitalized according to John Kass and other WGN media members of the failed current mayor of Chicago has been hospitalized over stressed and panic attacks concerning the massive migration and dumping of migrants into the city of Chicago by Texas governor Greg Abbott. Chicago has long accepted and been a palm of accepting illegal invasions from Mexicans and other Central Americans and South Americans and actually this was the perfect place todrop off these invaders. Governor Abbott thought to redistribute the massive amount of people that have hit his state coming from the invasion of Mexican supremacists and cultural jingoists from south of the border. Make no mistake what we are facing at the border is a massive racial attack invasion of our country and culture from aliens and the race division of America black and white has allowed this travesty to occur to occur

Brandon Jackson has been sold into his radical left-wing walk agenda that he has no agenda to combat this Mexican Invasion and failure of our government and the 94-year-old awful Joe Biden Administration that is allowing this cultural Marxist invasion of peons from Mexico and Latin America.

Brandon Johnson realizes that the death of Chicago is the cause of his political party purposely trying to displace Americans including his black Americans in cities throughout America

with allowance of this invasion. Brandon Johnson had tried to push blame away from the failed policies of this awful president and try to blame the Texas governor but the lies and stress that is going in his brain being complicit with this invasion and it's devastating attack on his own people has put him over the edge. Brandon Johnson is a pee in the pond and he has been hospitalized unable to be a leader at this time and unable to like many other Democrats to confront this nefarious attack from Joe Biden and his administration. thus he is decided to hide his ass in the hospital with panic attacks drug dependency. In our mind Brandon Johnson should step down as a mayor of Chicago he's way over his head and he should of stayed

and activist and put full blame on not only Joe Biden, but the failed policies of Barack Hussein Obama for causing this invasion of MS-13 connected human.  Smugglers from Mexico and the Narco drug proceeds then have cause this mess of migration to America's large cities from foreigners and Communists from Venezuela and throughout South America. Brandon Johnson has totally failed the city of Chicago and he should resign and put himself into a long-term disability hospital stay where he can get the help that he obviously so much he needs

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