Jake " The Robot" Roberts
To say that the Jimmy Fallon show is one of the worst late night television programs of all time is an underestimate. Johnny Carson is singing in a grave constantly rolling as he sees the horrible late night television State and how it has become essentially Democratic party propaganda and State media. Jimmy Fallon is one of these failed individuals who pretends me late night talk shows when in fact all they do is promote liberal Progressive far left causes and basically they are funded by internationalists who support the same crazed cultural system. Jimmy Fallon is a horrible
boring late night talk show and in all essence in a real economy and media someone like him would have been punished early and he would not have lasted one year. However the dick head continues to perform on late night television continues to outdo himself in the suck them of the skull fuckery that is late night television Jimmy Fallon had the lame punk ass bitch band on his Green Day who are too three is eccentric and neurotic to the bone weirdos and there is no doubt
about it. Green Day is one of the worst bands of all time and they are well on their way to be performing well into their seventies and eighties and in another generation they will be essentially the shit that the Rolling Stones and Aerosmith have become. Green Day will be touring with the Smashing Pumpkins who is another old group that just is so selfish they can't stop performing and the global tour corruption industry continues and chugs on every summer. In our opinion anyone
who goes to a Green Day concert in 2024 is not using their own hard earned money and is part of a corrupt system of summer concerts in nationally and are able to travel true corruption as well. Green Day performed in the New York subway well under the guise of massive protection from security and police Personnel free from crime and able to play all their lame hits of the 1990s. Green Day playing in the subway is appropriate as a shit hole such as the New York subway is the most appropriate place for a band like Green Day and it would be
wise if they had their summer concerts in the same urine infested rat hole that is the New York subway. This horrible alternative grunge band is still only relevant today because they are being rewarded for their attack on George W and the second Iraq war that still has many liberals upset that we pretty much upended a
psychotic government that was on par with getting Mass weapons of mass destruction and would have been North Korea today having nuclear weapons amp being able to extort the world. The fact that the United States has upended this alternative version for Iraq and the Hussein family to control it as as a Hermit Kingdom has many far leftists upset to this day Green Day is part of this group as they are upset of the Iraq War and are still singing about it in 2024 unable to end their crocodile tearing and crying ways upset at the wars of George W Bush
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