Psychotic neurotic Green Bay comes to London and plays in a drunk pub of people half their age

 Leroy Yates

   Singing their all time great and one hit wonder song "Neurotic To The Bone" the lame ass California stupid far left Garage Band known as Green Day has been rewarded by the music mafia further radical left-wing activism make no mistake the music fan Green Day are these 50 year olds who think is still 1989 and they're still wearing eyeliner to this day. Billy Joe Armstrong and the Armstronggets

performed at London pub where they did a profane version anti-Maga anti-Trump rent and they please their globalists and Great Britain many are who are still angered that they lost the states back in 1783. Once again Green Day is going viral all over fucking Yik Tok playing in some dirty ragtag drunk London pump and the number of shots that Billy Joe Armstrong likely drink was in the dozens . These trators Green Day praise

Great Britain and their global initiatives and said that the United States should never have been able to break away from the kingdom. Billy and Joe Armstrong went on to sing several songs including the neurotic to the bone no doubt about it and then he gave praise to Joe Biden called Joe Biden one of the best presidents we've ever seen in the history of this country. Green Day in my

opinion appears to be a band that is on a perpetual drug high and these old fogies will like the Rolling Stones likely will continue performing up to 2050 and be talking about the 2048 election. These three stooges  are just everywhere and anywhere at all times as just the other day they were in the subway of New York City on the Jimmy Fallon show and Green Day is just getting out of hand we're seeing them too much and quite frankly it is making many people🤮

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