Small-brained American travel vlogger dead from a pack train in India

     Brian Brain

    Today we have a sad news to report that YouTube vacation travel blogger known by small-brained American has passed away and died. Small Brain American was a YouTube channel and podcaster who traveled throughout the world and some of the most shit hole countries possible as this man had no shame and it felt special going to these remote Nepal into Tibet stan type countries and doing weeks of solitary

meditation and confinement. Small-brained American was killed when he went on a train in India and there was mass death crushing as hundreds were crushed in the usual Indian habit of train riding. The

Indians have a bad Indian habit of putting as many people as possible in a moving train. he last moments. The American was crushed to death as he was doing a YouTube video about his travels to India as he was seeking out the city of Palton to do a week's long's solitary meditation. This wack job was crushed and very sad thing about his death is that he should have been in a coach

section and went ahead his own private seats that he was too ignorant or dumb to realize he was in the wrong section of the train. Small Brain American had a small following but it was ever growing as he traveled throughout the world and how

exactly small brain American YouTuber was able to travel was never discussed or explained in his videos. The Georgia native and pure redneck had a few following and the imagery of this homebody cracker American traveling to Brown and Yellow countries not knowing where he was going to get a meal or a hotel room likely made him popular. However Small Brain American otherwise known as with stupid and went into one of these freight trains and many Indians use and has absolutely no regulation and packed bag as many people in like sardines or a train headed to or concentration camp World War II type travel. Small Brain American will be missed by his followers on YouTube and he went on his last vacation when he entered that packed Indian train. When people talk about India becoming a major superpower as long as they have unregulated trains where they fill them up and people are hanging on the outside or on top of it this country will never be taken seriously.  India is a failed and forever thirsty country and is a complete laughings stock every year thousands and thousands of people in India are killed through this risky and dangerous travel method. India would never be taken as a serious economic superpower at a country when they continue to allow thousands of people to ride in packed trains and on top of them. Another tragedy occurred towards the end of 2023 one small Brained random some American YouTuber has joined this list of train ride deaths as Small brained American  train ride from hell would be the last ride 

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