Chicago 700 lb radio talk show host Eddie Schwartz blast the Illuminati and the celebrity class and the Satanic rituals of it of Taylor Swift and I spice

      Moises Moreno

    The number one overrated top raked radio talk show host in Chicago is a show run by Eddie Schwartz who is a massively and morbidly obese human being. Eddie Schwartz eats when he is doing a radio show and the man is a perpetual eating machine unable to stop and why he does not have a YouTube channel in addition to his lame sleepy midnight show is not known. Eddie Schwartz though is no longer a liberal and he is long-term to being  concerned with attacking the corruption,the crime, the incompetency of the Democratic Party and the celebrity class that supports it. Eddie Schwartz is amazing human being long-term talk show host for WGN Radio and the way he's able to handle discussion and callers who are far left

on his radio show is utterly amazing. Eddie Schwartz attacked the obsession of the celebrity Cult and he blamed far left progresses for leading the new way n think on religion and hatred leaves them the other option of a new cult like attitude and opinion.  The obsession with celebrities whether they be music or movies is the main motivation of the political left to use big names in order to manipulate public opinion and this is what they do and best are best at. Eddie Schwartz attacked in blasted Taylor Swift and  Ice Spice and these other scumbag over wealthy corrupt celebrities that attended the Super Bowl. Fast Eddie called for Congress to step in and prevent the Super Bowl from being this bastion of elitism where only the uber wealthy can go. Eddie Schwartz wants 30,000 seats to be forced to be a ticket price of reasonable means for the middle and working classes who follow the

National Football League and he is called for legislation to force this corrupt league that is desperate to go Global leavng them with the numerous games overseas now. Eddie Schwartz says that the National Football League and its rotten commissioner Roger Goodell has left the working class and those of reasonable means and income behind with their overpriced and egregious elitism that right that has been the hallmark and aspect of the scumbag commissioner Roger Goodell. Eddie Schwartz says that sooner or later only the celebrities will be able to go to the Super Bowl and he says this is wrong and he put full blame on the scumbag celebrities who promote Satanism such as Ice Spice and Taylor Swift both of whom attended a Super Bowl wearing upside down crosses. The disgusting Illuminati sick and sycophants for The Devil makes Eddie Schwartz and his 700 lb stomach sick and again he demanded that the National Football League reserved half of the tickets for the Super Bowl for people of modest

incomes and they should not be sold off to the highest bidder and corrupt classes. Taylor Swift is a disgusting skank who is not a National Football League fan but pretending to be one wanting the highlights and the attention that it comes to being around such a popular product. Likewise many other celebrities are joining in especially during Super Bowl season and the despicable rapper and disgusting horror ice spice made headlines and angered people through all social media with her horn Devil horn and signals in her satanic visuals. Eddie Schwartz says his reprehensible and it's called for Roger Goodell to be removed and the next commissioner needs to restore order and take the Super Bowl away from these corrupt celebrity and uber wealthy elites that have hijacked this big event

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