Dog eating globalist Filipino real estate maniac shoots a white Pastor to death in North Las Vegas

Patrick Jennngs

    California is a state that is overrun by psychopaths who are foreign nationals of other lands and stands and they are allowed to come here and invest in corrupt our government and the Democratic Party with this in mind a crime scene that occurred in North Las Vegas Nevada is typical of the crime ridden West Coast and the Democrat Party government in allowance of all these foreign nationals to come in here and attempt to change this country into their own. Pastor Nick Davi was gunned down after weeks of

harassment by his Filipino neighbor who was upset that he reported her several times to the neighborhood condo Townhouse Association as this woman Joe Junio was raising dogs and chickens to eat in her yard.     This crazy woman was harassing this family to the point where they've called the police two times and filed a court judgment against this woman to stay away and quit trying to agitate the family. The family also was living with friends as the it had gotten to the point that this crazy Filipino real estate woman named Joe (a tranny?) was harassing them so much they had to leave their own house. when the family returned to the

house to pick up a few items this crazy woman confronted the family and shot Mr Davi and his wife in front of their two kids in another clear example third world people going unhinged and attacking Americans. This woman should not have been in the country if she was not in a citizen or applying to be a citizen and from what I read she is a Filipino citizen and had no interest in becoming an american. This crazy woman is being charged with murder and attempted murder along with it a ton of

felony charges and we can only hope they lock up this animal for 30 years or more and if this case had happened in Kalifornia without a doubt this woman would be released in 5 years. The brutal murder of this pastor should be a wake up call that the corrupt Democrat Party and it's unlimited open immigration system is endangering and killing American people. Clearly this woman is part of some global real estate scam and our politicians and government is too open to allow too many international investors to come in here and live for a long time. This woman obviously was raising dogs and chickens in her home country of the Philippines and thought she could just do it again despite the rules and regulations .

The Townhouse Association prohibits in this disgusting habit when Mr Davi reported this crazy neighbor went on hinge and ultimately to the point of murder and once again our immigration system both legal and illegal has caused a strain on her system and massive crime wave and death and destruction.

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