Roman Balmakov of The Epoch Times reports of the growing neurotic in eccentric attitudes of the Chinese

     Jacoby Genevese

       A recent video of a Chinaman whack job somewhere in the middle of China dancing to the beat of his own drum when viral through social media not too long ago. With this in mind Roman Balmakov is the great host editor of The Epoch Times newspaper reported on the growing neuroticism of the Chinese people long suppressed and oppressed by the Orange dictator jumping Jinpng Xi who is a national hero to the far left International socialist order and to the American left. The American Media loves Jinping Xi but what is not told is how living is such a surveillance evil corporate

communist nation that modern China is makes people freak out as seen in many videos coming out China of people just losing it and freaking out not too much unlike what we see in San Francisco and American cities. It has long been assumed that China is totally different than America without the weird neurotic and eccentric behavior we have seen in Democrat leaning cities the same weird behavior is occurring more and more according to Roman Balmakov in Chinese cities and Chinese authorities are growing increasingly concerned about the erratic and strange behavior of their citizens. The recent dance freak outs of a man outside of coffee house for no reason in China has raised alarm bells that something weird is happening in China and Roman Balmanov is more than willing to print it out in his amazing newspaper called The Epoch Times. Ths newspaper is very difficult to find in America and some supermarkets like Jewel I believe sell it. Curious as the American Media does not want another representation of news print media that

one that actually tells the truth and not the lies of the American newspaper in industry such as the shitty Chicago Times with their bias stupid opinion maker columnist like Neil Steinberg. The Epoch Times is actual journalism with a Chinese Focus as Roman Balmanov and the rest of the crew of The Epoch Times has long been focusing on

America's biggest threat and indeed the world's biggest threat of increase authoritarianism and neo-colonialism that the crazy CCP Chinese government and people are. The Chinese citizens are the

victims of this crazed one party state radical government and until they get arms and overthrow it they will continue to live in this crazy surveillance state that has continued to oppress them and it's increasingly making each and every generation freak toys ready to boogie down and act up on the streets

outside a coffee house. Jumping Jinping G is a Orange face Pie Face dictator a Winnie the Pooh dictator who should have been long overthrown and the American left business class such as Tim Apple and other big tech

companies have long propped up this disgusting government and helped the Orange man become president for life in China. Roman Volcano will continue to fight as one of the big three that we focus on in love to report as he Chris Chappell and Serpentza continue to cover China in amazing ways and to spread it and

information in America about the spreading virus and tentacles of the CCP red Chinese and their major influence in American academia and a Democrat Party.

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