Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions utterly destroys the homosexual MSNBC propagandist Chris Hayes

   Thomas Assbrook

     Msnbc's propaganda's Chris Hayes has long been a butt slammer liar and a media manipulator and a monarch. Chris Hayes thinks of himself as a monarch and some sort of king-like figure as he represents himself on MSNBC inflaming the masses with pure misinformation and hate against Donald Trump. The homosexual one Chrisy

s Hayes recently did a video where he manipulated numbers of comparing Trump and Biden's economic comparisons and quite literally Chris Hayes lied out of his fucking gay ass. With this is mine the great YouTuber Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions utterly focused and humiliated this failed MSNBC jackass known as Mr Hayes. Chris Hayes manipulated the charts and graphs in particular about the workplace percentage during the Trump Administration not

showing the numbers before the fake COVID Chinese scam of 2020. Andrew dissected each and every argument that Chris Hayes did in a recent long segment that the MSNBC homosexual garbage news anchor attempted to manipulate and propagandize to the⁸ American people. Everything Chris Hayes did in this production was a pure lie and his praise for Joe Biden was so evident in this misinformation. To say that Chris Hayes is a sycophant for Joe Biden would be

understated and this man is essentially along with his entire network is a Democrat Party state-run horrible problem child media. Everything that Chris Hayes did in the segment was a pure lie and Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions focus a recent episode just covering the extremism and lies of this MSNBC host. The stupid Chris Hayes of MSNBC is a habitual liar and a gay propagandist.  Andrew wrecked the propagandist ass of Chris Hayes and his misinformative economic comparison Chris Hayes is a son of a bitch he always has been a son of a bitch and he always will be a son of a bitch and a gay one at that.

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