Ismail Mohamed wins Ohio congressiponal race vows he will battle for interests of Somalia

     Jim Oberweis

     A disgusting foreign born maniac has ben elected to the Us congressional system or won a primary in the state of Ohio. The Somalian named Ismail Mohamed is a modern day warrior for Islam and a modern day immigrant who refuses to assimilate and indeed immigrants like Ismail are colonizing AmeriCCPa and have np convictions to become Americans. This rat bastard camelback politician did his entire victory speech in Somalia and didn't speak a word of English and this fact went viral and was shared by patriots throughout the country as further case that our congressional system is slowly being eroded for foreigners

and globalists who run in our political systems to run for the best interests of their countrymen in other lands and stans instead of America. Thos towel head from a terrorist country is now in a general election against a Republican in a district the republicans never win. Ismail will not be working on the best interests for the people in his district but will be in congress advocating for Somalians with their border conflicts with Ethiopia or water and global rights for Somalians and for them to work on the "climate emergency". It is utterly reprehensible for this system to allow these terrorists from African like Iihan Omar to come to

American and take over our congressional seats and advocate for some of the most extreme socialist values and things that are so out of touch with the average Americans. This politician needs to learn English and someone in the Democratic party need to remind him he is not in Somalia anymore and the idea of a politicians victory speech being held in a forighn tongue is utterly reprehensible and disgusting.

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