Wealthy corrupt ugly foreign Indian threatens and has a meltdown against a dock worker

Casey Kelso

    A disgusting radical wealthy Indian Elite was seen in a video yelling and screaming at all dock worker and a video they won't get viral AJ Thakore is a disgusting troll , a criminal, who is very wealthy because he's a globalist and part of the global cabal where basically scum like him get free money subsidized in business failure from the New World Global Order. This privilege and elite Indian has been known through the city as many people have had run-ins with this scumbag and he has been featured in many videos where he is called out and his run-ins with people acting like a privileged spoiled multi-millionaire. 

      This scumbag is seen in various encounters perhaps the most famous one will be the counter he had 2 months ago when he tried to bring his $5 million dollar Lamborghini yacht until it dark and he was denied by this private dock and its workers. This man has no respect for the workers sir.  This arrogant  privilege Indian or Pakistani scumbag Brown moron went on a yelling rant

where he basically threatened the live and said he would kill the dock worker. How this Indian Pakistani scumbag has not been arrested is not known is essentially he threatened this man's life and it was caught on film along with him dropping his pants fondling his little dog dick and arse as the yacht sailed away from the dock which Thakore was denied park. The scumbag then started throwing money into the waters and acting like he was better than the Dock Workers who are people who actually work unlike him and don't collect money from a corrupt system that has decided to give him for whatever reason. This brown shit runs some money laundering fake company (and health related lol) called Doctor Multimedia which by its name is obviously some bullshit company just gets

corrupt dark dollars directed. AJ the car also goes by the name of Ace Rogers and extremist  anarco capitalist  and he is a Libertarian scumbag who has been interviewed by podcasts and quite frankly he thinks if someone doesn't make $3 million dollars a year is sub human. This could explain his meltdown and loss of power as 21 year old dock worker Joe Holt denied this privileged Indian access to a dock and Ajay Thakore was humiliated that a commoner dare challenge his elite status and persona.  Ace Rogers or Ajay Thakore makes his millions from his fraudulent and fake Media company called Doctor Multimedia and he was upset and when he could not park his yacht into a private parking dock in San Diego. This disgusting Brown moron is a snake charmer likely a corrupt sick

individual that India or Pakistan has sent to America to spread money to their cronies in this country. AJ's Thakore should be arrested cuffed, stuffed,  and have his anal cavities explored by people in the prison system whom he looks down on and thinks he is superior because of his status in a corrupt health care global sick system that money grifts and corrupts the entire political system worldwide.  AJ Thakore  is a disgusting horrible monster that this corrupt form of global capitalism has decided to give and distribute money through the fakeness of a unprofitable company that they pretty much doctor numbers and financial fraud is prevalent and move fake product around and sales. 

\     Make no mistake AJ Thakore is a corrupt snake oil snake charmer Indian who plays a flute and a cobra snake will come up in bite him in his Indian ass. This man and the privilege and a thinking he can park his stupid SS Minnow anywhere he wants was shown in this video and the man was humbled as a average common dock worker humiliated Ace Rogers and told this asshole otherwise known to park it up his ass and somewhere else. The dock worker also flipped this son of a pig and monkey Thakare the bird which really drove the fucking Indian mad.  Ace Rogers aka Ajay Thakore threatened to kill the stock market and again how he was not arrested after this incident explains must be explained that San Diego is a corrupt city and the car likely pay the police not to prosecute him and Ajay likely paid off the local police when investoigating these threats. 

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