WGN Radio discussing the obese 700 lb post Eddie Schwartz calls for Dolton mayor Tiffany hanger to resign

      Ryne " Bozo" Bosworth

       To say that Tiffany Henyard has burned bridges in her short time as an appointment mayor of Dolton,  Illinois has been truthful and factual. For once the local media at least is taking on Tiffany Underwood numerous stories and attacking this woman and telling her that she needs to resign as hand of everything in Dolton,  Illinois. Wgn's overnight radio sensation number one talk show in Chicago Eddie Schwartz  dove deep into that black pussy and  the history of Tiffany Henyard and the amount of taxpayer money she has stolen for her trips to casinos throughout the

country and so forth. Eddie Schwartz is called this woman a wicked witch of Dolton and suggested the FBI immediately remove her from Office giving all the accusations and investigations that she is been accused. Tiffany Henyard though is arrogant and she wants to be a baddie rapper and she would do everything in her power to stay in office despite the obvious crimes that could land her in prison.

      The amount of money that this former adult star and failed mayor has stole from the  residents of Dolton is ridiculous and Mr Schwartz says cannot be estimated. Eddie Schwartz cannot bare to witness this woman as mayor of this once great South Suburban town like destroyed by white flight and then women like Tiffany Underwood got into positions of power. Eddie Schwartz says that the south suburbs have been destroyed much like the South Side from the likes of Tiffany

Hunter who are bandits of government and the tax payer and basically look to steal from government and use positions of government to enable this. Eddie Shorts has tried numerous times to have this woman on this show but never get to answers and he called her out several times late last week for a refuse or answer for either explanation of the entire controversy surrounding this failed mayor of a failed south suburb ghetto town. 

      Tiffany Henyard is a complete disgrace and embarrassment not as much though I would say compared to the other shit Democrat bastards we have in Illinois as she is not nearly as bad as JB Pritzker nor the dick head Dick Durbin. In fact if Tiffany Henyard was running against these two other fools  I would have to say I would consider voting for Tiffany Henyard.  The anger though continues to climb against this mayor with all sorts of social media stars and YouTubers

constitutional rights advocates making their way to Dolton this week and what I'm sure they will be here next week too. Tiffany Henry is Public Enemy number one for those who battle and confront Public Waste and overspending through the taxpayer. The crimes at this mayor of Dolton has committed is enough to land her I believe 10 years in jail and that's without cutting a deal. The local FBI office needs to do what is right and this is to put handcuffs and Miss Henry and take her down with a panty wagon cuff  and stuff her and fingerprint her fingers and large arse.

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