Ben Shapiro wrecks the ugly old nasty wife of Joe Biden of Jill Biden appearing on The View lying out of her ass and pushing the agenda of abortion

    Carlton Olsen

       To say that Jill Biden might be calling the shots in the is an evil overlord would be understated. The horrendous and very ugly first lady makes a spectacle of herself in her nastiness is often demonstrated and illustrated wherever she can get her old crow mug in front of a camera. With this in mind the disgusting first lady appeared on the horrible program called the View with Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar among others. Jill Biden light off her ass and threw this interview as awesome talk show host Ben Shapiro played in on his YouTube

channel and critiqued the lies, misinformation, and stupid things that the scarecrow Jill Biden was saying to the cackling hens. Jill Biden believes it's very important and ingrained right for women to brutally terminate and murder babies before they are born and this one topic essentially might be why Joe Biden is

running for president again; as he is funded and determined to keep this of death baby cult of abortion going and overturning the rightful and great victory against it through the Trump administration. Jill Biden is an evil nasty old Wicked Witch character who has no credibility nor popularity and her role in our government is reprehensible this silly old crow stated the importance of getting far-left lunatics who think and look like her onto the Supreme Court and she says this is why people should vote for Joe Biden. Nasty ughh Jill continues to lie that abortion is under attack from Republicans and people like Ben Shapiro. Mr Shapiro says the real attack is the ideology of the pro abortionist who believe a solution of

murdering babies and preventing their births and living lives is somehow an ingrained important right of all women in America. Make no mistake Jill Biden is as evil twisted and distraught as her stupid husband and this woman single-handedly might be driving half of this old man's nasty policies for this country. Ugly wugly Jill might be the one who's really pulling Joe Biden strings and he's a puppet for this old bitch. The disgusting trolling that the cackling hens and the loquacious racists Whoopi Goldberg and Sonny Austin continue to do on The View and have shitty guests like Joe Biden preach this country and spread her insane political opinions, bad ideology, and propaganda is disgusting almost as much as the idea of Jill Biden being topless on 

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