Crazed stupid propagandist Canadian nationalist David Doel praises Cenk Ogre for miserable interview and hit attack against Robert Keneddy Jr

   Jerry O'Leary

    The number of far-left radical stupid propagandist on YouTube is insurmountable one of them is a Canadian nationalist who goes by the name of rational National and this far left woke dumbass often metals and interferes with American politics David all runs a YouTube channel where he exposes that he is a grifter and a dumbass for the Democratic Party and for the far-left international socialists. The Canadian propagandist reviewed a interview between The Young Turks Pig Cenk Uygur and presidential candidates Robert Kennedy Jr and David Doel went on to praise Cenk is somehow owning and destroying Robert Kennedy Jr. The spin that the far left and

their propagandists such as David Doel will increase hugely propping up a fail 91-year-old president and failed Democrat regime led by the maniac Joe Biden cannot be understated. David Doel is desperate to stampede on Robert Kennedy Juniors successful third-party presidential run by all methods would extremely harm the demented failed and hopefully one term illegitimate present Joe Biden. Robert

Kennedy Jr stood up to the bullying tactics and psychosis of this dickless wonder Cenk Ogre as this fat head Young Turks founder is obsessed and committed in support for a Hamas Palestinian terrorist organization. Uygur demanded a state that Israel has to live and abide by borders in allow cross-border annual terrorism against the state of Israel. Kennedy Jr push back at the lies at Uygur presented on his horrible and Islamic radical Young Turks Network, incidentally named after Mass murderous genocidal Turkish people and their political

organization that killed millions of millions of non Turks primarily Greeks in Armenians, Make no mistake Cenk Ogre is a lunatic madman and quite frankly in each and every presentation of himself in media or on his own network Jenk Uyger presents a lunatic of extreme proportions in both mass and overeating obesity and disgusting girth. Kennedy Junior held his phone with this communist and Islamist propagandist telling the fat Turk that big pharmaceutical is corrupt and has used the government to make laws where these drug companies are never to be held and liable for these

dangerous products.  The dipshit David Doel is a natural liar and all he do is a Pravda style propaganda as this guy gets everything wrong in his review and critique praisingin the madman and retard from The Young Turks Cenk Uygur. Doel would fit right in the early Soviet armies of a hundred years ago--not as a soldier but as a propagandist and in the gay brothels. This should come as no

surprise given the horrible and garbage content that David Doel has presented himself on his own stupid YouTube channel called the rational national naturally his support as an ally and personal bottom-ass friend of homo Uygur cannot be denied nor and can be explained. Doel supports makes false claims of egregious proportions that

the Young Jerks host Uygur was victorious in this debate the other day. David Dope clearly is a rational national garbage propaganda any far left woke Canadian socialist. Robert Kennedy Jr resisted the surge of lies of Jane Uygur concerning his positioning of the Hamas Israeli War and vaccines and indeed Kennedy Jr said we should be supportive of the only democracy in the world and in all true reality the Jews and Israel have been the victim and the assault against an October 7th murderous rage and this has caused this aggressive War. This is a war like World War II that Israel has a right to initiate and finish much to dismay of this fat ass man known as Cenk Ogre

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