Disgusting Jay kind of funny has Pig alien woman on her on his prank channel once Again disrespecting the working class

      Dick May

     Once again, the disgusting and repulsive troll online printer and massively followed jackass known as Jay kind of Funny has gone after an attacked the workers of America. This Narco connected Mexican pranker has 25 million followers and what are these are real followers or bots has not been established. What has been established is Jay Kind Of Funny hates the working retail class and most often they are the but of his jokes as this elite and obnoxious jackass often mocks and goes after the workers of society. This privileged big tech social media asshole Jay is always doing videos where he is mocking and trying to embarrass retail trade workers most likely because Jay Kind Of

Unfunny think he is better than them and they are below and beneath him. Jay Kind is now hooked up with some ugly alien looking fat woman who apparently is a well-known Tik Toker from hell and Mars herself and what he does is humiliates these workers by trying to set them up with obviously one of the world's most ugliest women who's not a transgender. Jay Kind of Unfunny pretends that he needs retail help and then he brings these workers over telling this alien like cattle woman that these workers are interested and wants their phone numbers.


     In essence what Jay Kind of Unfunny as a Jay jackass is doing the same telling these workers that they are so low on the economic order that these are the women they deserve and can only get. The elitism and arrogance of Jay Kind of Unfunny as a arrogant Mexican pranker is utterly

reprehensible and this man is without a doubt one of the more repulsive Tik Tok stars out there Jay Kind of Unfunny disrespects and hates the working class and most often he trolls and attempts to humiliate these people in is videos most

likely because he thinks he is better than them and they are deserving of such abuse. Jay Kind of Dummy on hooking up with this ugly fat woman it's not funny nor has this guy shown any sense of entertaining or humor with his repulsive disgusting Tick Tock Channel.  We will continue to call him out online whether it be on  his own channel write it YouTube comments Twitter X attacks and elsewhere as we hate Jake Kind Of Funny and hate everything that he represents

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