DJ marshmallow has flipped his votes and announces he will now be voting for Donald

 Larry Frost

    There so many former Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden voters who are flipping over to Donald Trump  in unprecedented wave.  A number of Democrats have had it with their fascist party and the takeover of their political party by the Green party extremists of the squad and other radical elements within it. With this in mind I found it interesting that famed this Disk jockey and EI performer   electronic music a performer marshmallow has decided to flip and he made an announcement the other day that he will no longer be supporting the Democrat Party. Marshmallow is this huge high-income DJ who draws huge shows globally and for a long time he has supported the globalist party known as the Democratic Party in order to achieve the fame that one had to politically show loyalty. 

     Marshmallow though had it with the Democrat Party and he has decided that he will be for the first time voting for Donald Trump and like many other Democrats across this country seeing the economic disaster that has been Joe Biden. This new direction has been breathtaking and they can no longer support such a nefarious and sick individual marshmallow will no longer be voting Democrat and he announced before a show that he will be voting for Donald Trump in 2024 and says the country was

better off when he was in four years compared to this demented idiots Joe Biden the amount of Voters who are flipping and not have been so turned off by Joe Biden they're not even going to considered Democrats has been astonishing and is primarily the reason why Donald Trump is crushing it in the polls and just kicking ass. 
Former sick World war II era fascist and😕 Spanish dictator Sir Francisco Franco

      Marshmallow also suggested that Donald Trump should not even debate this fascist who Marshmallow was offended that in AmeriCCPa have an actual president who decided to use the justice system to help him during a campaign and this cannot be denied as these charges would never been brought if Trump didn't run for president again head up the opposition party of Biden.  Marshmallow bashed the weaponization of the modern-day Democratic party and compare Joe Biden rightfully to former Algerian dictator Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the longtime Spanish World War II era dictator

current American fascist and😟 dictator Joseph Biden

Francisco Franco who kept in himself in power into the mid-1970s. The way these two random world dictators from Mediterranee countries is very similar to the weaponization of politics of own modern country circa 2024 and in what Joe Biden is attempting to do with his black supremacist district attorneys like Elvin Bragg and Fanni Willis. Joe Biden should be charged with political in treason crimes once he's out of office for what he has done to our democracy likely stealing the 2020 election using the aid of the CCP and the CDC along with the urban black Democrats who use the power of mass balloting to dig up and write in votes of other people
Former Algerian four decade madman and dictator Abdelaziz Bouteflika😨 

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