Dr Phil admonishes and embarrasses CNN fake Abby Phillips schools her on the law and interview with Mr Trump

       Whitker Marshall III

    One of the more ridiculous propagandists on the corporate mainstream left-wing media is a black woman named Abby Phillips. The horrible MSNBC race analyst is very biased politically in her questioning and motivation and without a doubt she is a growing menace in the media and sees herself as a royal Noble Queen-like member. However, the other day she was humbled by another king of the media in King Dr Phil who quite literally admonished her and stopped her propaganda dead in the tracks. Dr Phil appeared on Abby Phillips and the MSNBC Race network to talk about his interview with the great former president Donald Trump as usual the disgusting black supremacist and black queen media

monarch Abby Phillips tried to spin this interview and portrayed Trump in a negative viewpoint. The king Phil was not having any of this as he stood up to the interruptions and bullying tactics of Abby Phillips of CNN doing the usual fake news Democrat Party media tactic where she kept interrupting Dr Phil, especially when he was hitting her with hard points and facts about the unjust persecution and political global

corruption of Joe Biden. Make no mistake Joe Biden is as corrupt as Bob Menendez and the only reason he has not been indicted is because he's been vice president and president. Once Donald Trump becomes president it will not be so much that he's going after his predecessor and political enemies, but allowing the justice system to actually work and not use it to suppress the necessary prosecution of career political criminal Joe Biden. 

Naturally CNN as a globalist media puppet isn't support of the puppet president that Joe Biden is for globalists and Chinese interest and this is why this nasty black woman Abby Phillips interrupted Dr Phil and worked so precipitously hard to counter each and everything Dr Phil was saying in this

interview. King Phil absolutely wrecks this silly and stupid CNN analyst Abby Phillips who again is representing the interest of the establishment and the Democratic party and each and every debate and interview they do. Dr Phil does not play these partisan

games that Abby Phillips partakes, and he wrecked this horrible black supremacist CNN analyst in this amazing interview and demonstrating once again the fairness and rightful thinking that Dr Phil has been hitting the airwaves in the past couple of years. The CNN Network along with the other three global mainstream corrupt media and their horrible analysts like Abby Phillips are a disgrace to this nation and in their own way they are treasonous and should have their own prosecution for their propaganda and Pravda the type reporting.

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