Falling celebrity Jennifer Lopez humiliated by a creepy clown

     Leroy Yates

    The Arrogant pompous Super Bowl 2020 performer Jennifer Lopez his canceled her tours for this year. Jennifer Lopez is besides her brain and her brain is quickly becoming popcorn. The horrible dance or and slutty performer realizes she is aging and she does not want to be Madonna to be old and still performing to a wealthy elite rich  young class who just wants to be an event with a well-known name for their own personal clout. Jennifer Lopez was going to the airport as she is still in 1% of who travels a lot as a good globalist and she utterly got humiliated at LAX airport  or some other airport. A kinky and crazy creepy clown let go some glitter bomb that went all over Jennifer Lopez in the act of total disrespect. Ms Lopez still acting like nothing happened and walked away from the goofy clown as a

dude actually dressed as a clown humiliating this 1%  which was hilarious. Someone needs to do this to Shakira and all these other entertainers and I'm begging someone to do this to Taylor Swift and to catch it on film.  I will offer $1,000 for someone to humiliate Taylor Swift. Anyway, Jennifer Lopez walked around with his glitter she was unable to get out and she seemed Dazed and Confused. 

    Clearly the cognitive decline and dissonance of Jennifer Lopez must be rapidly professing before our eyes. Jennifer Lopez is having her Joe Biden moment where she is mentally unable to not only perform but, to walk straight and not stand up for herself after a clown drops a glitter bomb on her ass in public. Jennifer Lopez is suffering heavily form depression and it appears in the early form of dementia may be hitting this Lopez who often made her money sleeping with big Hollywood stars and shaking her ass for the world to see. The disrespect of Jennifer Lopez may be the latest in a long line of her total collapse

and this Puerto Rican racial identitarian needs to go as people like her do nothing but put people on categories and this is always who she has been as a libtard. Jennifer Lopez has essentially always been a Puerto Rican supremacist thinking that her little island nation is important and that their nationality is major importance when in fact is just a small Caribbean shithole that lives on subsidies by the American taxpayer.

Puerto Rico never goes free because these people have no idea how to run a country or economy and this is why so many of them have fled their Island and live here and many are devoted Democrats proudly voting for a corrupt criminal enterprise that is today's Democrat Party. They seem to prefer this instead of returning to Puerto Rico and demanding Independence for the lowest Island of the Caribbean.

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