Paul Joseph Watson blasts Jack Black and George Clooney

    Zobo The Clown

   Jack Blacks horrendous stand up shit comedy at a Joe Biden democratic party Hollywood fundraiser event is going viral. Teh unfunny woke and stupid dumb member of the far left is a typical of the scum that support and defend failed president Joe Biden and to say this idiot is only a celebrity for his willingness to serve and follow orders would be understated, jack lack did some of the worse stand up

comedy not seen in fifty years as he wore American flag overalls and mocked much of the country who supports Joe Biden's opponent. Paul Joseph Watson blasted the living shit of the Hollywood cartel

i9ncluding their bad and corrupt fake value whiskey and tequila owner and scumbag globalist money launderer known as George Clooney. Make no mistake King George is a typical monarch of the media and entertainment complex an sick soul devoted to being this weird left-wing outlet of Interntional

corrupt money and make no mistake again...if George Clooney wants a fucked up libtard he would not be ordained as a tequila billionaire given egregious phony wealth and value. Ditto for late night scumbag propagandist Jimmy Kimmel who also like king Clooney attended this money Interntional grift for their puppet and in dement4ed sick Paul Joseph Watson blasted both Clooney and Black and this big
Joseph Paul Watson watching cringeworthy Joe Biden sycophant bad comedy from the horrendous Jack Black

fundraiser form the elite and prestigious Hollywood cartel whop want to maintain their wealth and privileges as a de fact upper caste system of undeserving millionaire who do very little to earn their riches and are part of a system that has been politically vetted and compromised to bring about the fake funnel money of the global order. Joseph Paul wrecked the bad comedy that was cringeworthy and destruictive as jack Black said dumb bomb after another and his willingness to stretch thin his 

 comefy for this fundraiser event was shocking and appalling. Both Clooney and Black are undeserving monarchs of entertainment which have egregiously been given more wealth through liquor and so forth than the millions they earn now through the propaganda channels of their respective roles in movies and media. The debacle of

this Democrat Party Hollywood out of touch multi-millionaire fundraiser was smeared by Barack Hussein Obama leading the demented and delusional dipshit Joe Biden out of the arena as Barack made sure the visuals of him pulling and leashing Old Joe to be seen as some sort of subliminal message to the donors that Barack Hussein is still really ion charge over this strawman and butt fuck Joe Biden. 

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